The First Magnitude Stars Table lists the brighest stars in the sky that are -1, 0 and 1 magnitude. Sirius is the brighest at -1.44 magnitude. These stars are refered to as First Magnitude stars since they are all 1 magnitude or brighter. Brightness of stars are assigned a number starting with the brightest star Sirius starting at -1.44 magnitude. Dimmer stars are positive numbers. The larger the number means the dimmer the star is. For example, a star -1 magnitude is brighter than a star 0 magnitude. A star 0 magnitude is brighter than a star 1 magnitude. A star 1 magnitude is brighter than a star 2 magnitude. Magnitude sequence for stars starting with the brightest is -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 magnitude, ... etc. Star names come from Greek, Latin and Arabic origins. For example, Sirius and Capella are of Greek and Latin origns and Vega, Rigel, Aldebaran are Arabic derivations. In some cases two names are given to a star because some stars are refered to with multiple names. The designation column gives the star's designation by Johann Bayer's letter and John Flamsteed's number. Johann Bayer's Uranometer star maps (1603) introducted the designating the brighter stars of each constellation by small letters of the Greek alphabet. In general, the stars are lettered in order of brightness. In a constellation the brightnest star is Alpha, the second brightest Beta and so on. That is why most of the First Magnitude Stars are designated Alpha and a few are designated Beta. The full name of the star in the Johann Bayer system is the letter followed by the genitive (possessive) of the Latin name of the constellation. For example, Sirius is Alpha Canis Majoris. The below table uses the constellation abbreviations. Therefore, Sirius designation is Alpha CMa. A different plan used in John Flamsteed's Historia Coelestis (1729). The stars are numbered consecutively from west to east across the constellation. Therefore, in the John Flamsteed system Sirius is designated 9 Canis Majoris. In the Magnitude column the letter "c" refers to the combined magnitude of a double star and "v" refers to the median magnitude of a variable star. Star magnitude data is from the Hipparcos Catalog First Magnitude Stars Table Name Designation Magnitude Sirius 9 Alpha CMa -1.44 Canopus Alpha Car -0.62 Rigil Kent or Alpha Centauri Alpha Cen -0.28c Arcturus 16 Alpha Boo -0.05v Vega 3 Alpha Lyr 0.03v Capella 13 Alpha Aur 0.08v Rigel 19 Beta Ori 0.18v Procyon 10 Alpha CMi 0.40 Achernar Alpha Eri 0.45v Betelgeuse or Betelgeux 58 Alpha Ori 0.45v Agena or Hadar Beta Cen 0.61v Altair 53 Alpha Aql 0.76v Acrux Alpha Cru 0.77c Aldebaran 87 Alpha Tau 0.87 Spica 67 Alpha Vir 0.98v Antares 21 Alpha Sco 1.06v Pollux 78 Beta Gem 1.16 Fomalhaut 24 Alpha PsA 1.17 Beta Crucis Beta Cru 1.25v Deneb 50 Alpha Cyg 1.25v Regulus 32 Alpha Leo 1.36