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Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 teachers... Curriculum materials support teachers in the promotion of argumentation in science teaching: A case study October 2017 Antonia Larraín | Consuelo Moreno | Valeska Grau | Paulina Freire | Ignacia Salvat | Patricia López | Maximiliano Silva This case study set out to explore the potential of curriculum materials to scaffold classroom argumentation in a primary-school science classroom in Chile. One teacher and thirty students participated... The quest for sustained data use: Developing organizational routines October 2017 Mireille D. Hubers | Kim Schildkamp | Cindy L. Poortman | Jules M. Pieters The data team intervention was designed to support schools' data use. The sustainability of schools' data use was investigated by studying the schools' development of the ostensive and performative... Assessing the effects of Learning-Centered Leadership on Teacher Professional Learning in Thailand October 2017 Philip Hallinger | Patnaree Piyaman | Pongsin Viseshsiri Elementary teachers' emotional and relational expressions when speaking about disruptive and well behaved students October 2017 Kevin F. McGrath | Penny Van Bergen Elementary teachers' emotional expressions when speaking about disruptive students provide a previously unexamined source of classroom influence. The present study therefore examined how 47 elementary... Professional development as product implementation training October 2017 Christopher B. Crowley Efforts to maintain tighter control over the curriculum by external stakeholders in the United States are evolving, and one such way this is occurring is through the reshaping of required professional... Teaching students with Autism Spectrum Disorder across various educational settings: The factors involved in burnout October 2017 Emilie Cappe | Mélanie Bolduc | Nathalie Poirier | Maria-Antoneta Popa-Roch | Emilie Boujut This study aimed to 1) compare the experience of 115 French-Canadian teachers of typical children and children with ASD according to their educational setting (i.e., mainstream classes, specialized... Connecting theory to practice: Using preservice teachers' beliefs, theories and video-recorded teaching to prompt a cycle of praxis October 2017 Jane Tilson | Susan Sandretto | Keryn Pratt The influence of individual and contextual variables on teachers’ understanding and classroom practice of media literacy October 2017 Csilla Weninger | Guangwei Hu | Suzanne S. Choo Transforming teachers' formative assessment practices through ePortfolios October 2017 Tracey Hooker While common across the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors of education, ePortfolios are relatively new in early childhood education (ECE), nationally and internationally. They are, however, becoming... Beyond plain acceptance or sheer resistance: A typology of university instructors' attitudes to students' media use in class October 2017 Priscila Berger This study explores implicit and behavioural aspects of university instructors' attitudes to students' media use in class. Adopting a mixed-methods strategy, the qualitative phase consisted of three... The role of teaching courses and teacher communities in strengthening the identity and agency of teachers at university medical centres October 2017 Thea van Lankveld | Judith Schoonenboom | Gerda Croiset | Monique Volman | Jos Beishuizen Many teachers at university medical centres struggle with the poor reputation of teaching compared to research and patient care. Although professional development activities have been shown to strengthen... Second career teachers: Job satisfaction, job stress, and the role of self-efficacy October 2017 Larissa Maria Troesch | Catherine Eve Bauer This study investigates job satisfaction and stress in second career teachers (SCT) compared to first career teachers (FCT) and the role of self-efficacy in this context. Analyses are based on 297 teachers... Breaking out of the grips of dichotomous discourse in teacher post-observation debrief conversations October 2017 Adam Lefstein | Rotem Trachtenberg-Maslaton | Itay Pollak Educational discourse is dominated by problematic dichotomies, for example, between teacher- and learner-centred pedagogies, and between teacher control and pupil autonomy. Such dichotomies impede attempts... The predictive effects of math teachers' emotional intelligence on their perceived self-efficacy beliefs October 2017 Marwa Alrajhi | Said Aldhafri | Hussain Alkharusi | Saleh Albusaidi | Bader Alkharusi | Abdullah Ambusaidi | Khoula Alhosni Intensive studying or restlessness in the classroom: Does the quality of control matter? October 2017 Suvi Krista Westling | Kirsi Pyhältö | Janne Pietarinen | Tiina Soini The way lessons are regulated by the teacher, who may support students' autonomy or use structure and control, influences emotional tone of classroom interaction and students' on-task behavior. The... Teachers and educational policies: Negotiating discourses of male role modelling October 2017 Marie-Pierre Moreau | Simon Brownhill Since the 1990s there has been some considerable discussion in English education policy of boys' underachievement and of male teachers serving as ‘role models’. Drawing on two separate research projects,... Teacher education communities of practice: More than a culture of collaboration October 2017 Kevin Patton | Melissa Parker Teacher educator professional learning, like teacher education, can be messy and complex. This study's purpose was to explore physical education teacher educators' understandings of how their participation... Novice teachers' job satisfaction and coping strategies: Overcoming contextual challenges at Qatari government schools October 2017 Youmen Chaaban | Xiangyun Du The first years of teaching are challenging and how novice teachers cope has important implications for their satisfaction. The current study examined the perceptions of five novice and five experienced... How principal leadership and person-job fit are associated with teacher mobility and attrition October 2017 Daniel Player | Peter Youngs | Frank Perrone | Erin Grogan While existing studies of teacher retention have attempted to isolate economic and organizational factors that predict teacher turnover, this paper extends the research base by incorporating measures... Exploring contextual factors shaping teacher collaborative learning in a paired-placement October 2017 Thi Kim Anh Dang This paper examines contextual factors shaping teacher learning in a paired-placement teaching practicum in Vietnam. The study draws on third generation activity theory and Vygotsky's concepts of mediation... Teacher autonomy and collaboration: A paradox? Conceptualising and measuring teachers' autonomy and collaborative attitude October 2017 Katrien Vangrieken | Ilke Grosemans | Filip Dochy | Eva Kyndt This study starts from the finding that a complex – sometimes even paradoxical - relationship exists between teacher autonomy and collaboration. Teacher autonomy is often equated to independence and... Teachers and their implementation of differentiated instruction in the classroom October 2017 Muhamad Nanang Suprayogi | Martin Valcke | Raymond Godwin Growing student diversity in today's classrooms calls for appropriate instructional strategies. Differentiated instruction (DI) is put forward as a key solution but seems challenging. In this study,... Context-based sources of EFL teachers' self-efficacy: Iranian public schools versus private institutes October 2017 Shahab Moradkhani | Sara Haghi This study investigated how contextual differences may affect EFL teachers' self-efficacy and their perceptions of its strengthening/weakening sources. Data were collected from 106 Iranian EFL teachers... A case study of a transition to dialogic teaching as a process of gradual change October 2017 Klara Sedova The aim of this case study was to examine a process of gradual change in teaching practices during a development programme on dialogic teaching. The change process was seen to be non-linear. It included... There's a lot to learn about being a drama teacher: Pre-service drama teachers' experience of stress and vulnerability during an extended practicum October 2017 Christina Gray | Peter Wright | Robin Pascoe The practicum is widely considered an integral component of pre-service training and an influential induction into the teaching profession. Yet, the practicum is fraught with challenges and literature... The longitudinal impact of teaching abroad: An analysis of intercultural development October 2017 Laura Boynton Hauerwas | Susan F. Skawinski | Lynne B. Ryan This case study investigated the development of intercultural competencies in a cohort of preservice elementary special education teachers that participated in a teaching English as a foreign language... Influence of teacher collaboration on job satisfaction and student achievement October 2017 Philip M. Reeves | Wik Hung Pun | Kyung Sun Chung Teacher collaboration consists of many types of activities and interactions. This quantitative study examines how the effects of collaboration differ according to both the type and frequency of collaborative... Enhancing pre-service teachers' concept of Earth Science through an immersive, conceptual museum learning program (Reconceptualising Rocks) October 2017 L. Merryn Dawborn-Gundlach | Jenny Pesina | Emily Rochette | Peter Hubber | Priscilla Gaff | Dermot Henry | Maria Gibson | Leissa Kelly | Christine Redman The collaboration between Museum Victoria and ReMSTEP partners: the University of Melbourne and Deakin University has enabled the development of the Reconceptualising Rocks project, designed to enhance... The emergence of moral, professional, and political geographies in a clinically simulated parent-teacher interaction October 2017 Osman Cil | Benjamin Dotger This study explored pre-service teachers' (PSTs') actions during and reflections on a clinically simulated parent-teacher interaction. We used Hargreaves’s (2001a) Emotional Geographies of Teaching... Student teachers' school teaching practice: The relation amongst perceived self-competence, motivation and sources of support October 2017 Stavroula Kaldi | Efstathios Xafakos The present study investigates Greek student teachers' experiences and views about self-competence, motivation and the sources of support during school teaching practice (STP) in a four-year Bachelor... Using a narrative approach to illuminate teacher professional learning in an era of accountability October 2017 Gill Adams Despite the centrality of teacher professional learning in efforts to raise student attainment, little is known about how learning is experienced by individual teachers. This paper uses narrative approaches... The impact of digital stories on preservice teacher beliefs about English language learners October 2017 N. Eleni Pappamihiel | Denise Ousley-Exum | Albert Ritzhaupt Teaching “in their best interest”: Preservice teachers' narratives regarding English Learners October 2017 Amanda T. Sugimoto | Kathy Carter | Kathleen J. Stoehr In the United States, teachers are increasingly working with English Learners (ELs) in mainstream classrooms. Several areas of focus have been proposed to guide the preparation of teachers for working... Understanding the relationship between teachers' use of online demonstration videos and fidelity of implementation in MyTeachingPartner-Math/Science October 2017 Emily A. Barton | Jessica V. Whittaker | Mable B. Kinzie | Jamie DeCoster | Emily Furnari Motivated for teaching? Associations with school goal structure, teacher self-efficacy, job satisfaction and emotional exhaustion October 2017 Einar M. Skaalvik | Sidsel Skaalvik We analyzed relations between teachers’ perception of the school goal structure, workload, self-efficacy, emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and motivation to leave the teaching profession. Participants... “Without being able to read, what's literacy mean to them?”: Situated beliefs about literacy for students with significant disabilities October 2017 Andrea L. Ruppar Beliefs about students and pedagogical knowledge have been identified as key barriers to accessible general education content and contexts for students with significant disabilities. In this case study... Building resilience of students with disabilities in China: The role of inclusive education teachers October 2017 Guanglun Michael Mu | Yang Hu | Yan Wang The literature well documents that teachers facilitate the resilience process of at-risk students through building empowering teacher-student relationships. Much less is known about teachers’ role in... The myths of the digital native and the multitasker October 2017 Paul A. Kirschner | Pedro De Bruyckere Current discussions about educational policy and practice are often embedded in a mind-set that considers students who were born in an age of omnipresent digital media to be fundamentally different... Sexual orientation in Norwegian science textbooks: Heteronormativity and selective inclusion in textbooks and teaching October 2017 Åse Røthing This article explores how sexual orientation is addressed in Norwegian science textbooks currently in use in grades 8–10. The analysis demonstrates that sexual orientation is included in very selective... Gender and student misbehavior: Evidence from implicit and explicit measures October 2017 Sabine Glock | Hannah Kleen We investigated teachers' implicit personality theories in two studies. A gender IAT showed that 98 preservice teachers implicitly associated male students with negative and female students with positive... Teaching on the frontline: The confines of teachers' contributions to conflict transformation in Lebanon October 2017 Erik van Ommering Current education and peacebuilding literature invests high expectations in the ability of teachers to catalyse positive transformations in societies affected by armed conflict. Yet, very little is... Teaching skills, students' emotions, perceived control and academic achievement in university students: A SEM approach October 2017 Adrià Muntaner-Mas | Josep Vidal-Conti | Albert Sesé | Pere Palou A cross-sectional study was conducted using a sample of Balearic Islands University students (n = 176). A SEM approach revealed that the characteristics of teaching had a strong positive effect on enjoyment... Sense-making for beginning special educators: A systematic mixed studies review October 2017 Hannah M. Mathews | Wendy J. Rodgers | Peter Youngs The global citizenship education gap: Teacher perceptions of the relationship between global citizenship education and students’ socio-economic status October 2017 Heela Goren | Miri Yemini The present study examined Israeli secondary school teachers' perceptions of global citizenship education (GCE), concentrating on the socio-economic makeup of the schools' population. The study illuminates... Educating digitally competent teachers: A study of integration of professional digital competence in teacher education October 2017 Elen J. Instefjord | Elaine Munthe The present study focuses on the integration of professional digital competence in initial teacher education programmes. Data analysed are from three national questionnaire surveys conducted among teacher... Motivation and collaboration: The keys to a developmental framework for teachers’ professional learning October 2017 Tracy L. Durksen | Robert M. Klassen | Lia M. Daniels The current study contributes to the growing body of empirical research on the connection between motivation and teachers' learning across professional life phases. With data from 253 practicing teachers,... The allure of simplicity: Scripted curricula and equity October 2017 Maria T. Timberlake | Anne Burns Thomas | Brian Barrett New York State offered schools scripted curricular modules to assist in meeting the Common Core State Standards. Reports of teacher concerns about rushed and rigid implementation led to qualitative... Systemic professional learning through collaborative inquiry: Examining teachers' perspectives October 2017 Christopher DeLuca | Benjamin Bolden | Jessica Chan Collaborative Inquiry (CI) engages teachers to jointly inquire into a shared problem of practice. The majority of CI research presents qualitative case studies of individual collaborative inquires;... Student demographics and teacher characteristics as predictors of elementary-age students' history knowledge: Implications for teacher education and practice October 2017 Paul G. Fitchett | Tina L. Heafner Using student- and teacher-level data from the United States National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), we attempted to disentangle the relationship among student demographics, teacher characteristics,... 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