1. Register here: http://www.linkarus.com/1/bpD 2. Check your e-mail for the login details. 3. Login 4. Now you get free hasing power. 5. By clicking on "Presents" you can win free stuff like coins or hasing power. 6. Click the "obtain" button to mine a coin you desire. Most profitable at the moment is dogecoin! 7. OPTIONAL: Invest some bitcoins or other altcoins to buy more hashing power to get a bigger daily income! ROI is about 2.5 - 3 months. Also i think that this hype/ponzi will last for about 5 or 6 months so hurry to join it early enough to get your + profit :) My current mining panel: [Image: Fe1Qt2G.png] Payment proofs: [Image: BWllk3d.png] Deposits i made: [Image: M99namV.png]