var dl_fs, dl_fw; var dl_queue = []; var dl_queue_num = 0; var dl_retryinterval = 1000; var dl_method; // 0: Filesystem API (Chrome / Firefox Extension polyfill // 1: Adobe Flash SWF Filewriter (fallback for old browsers) // 2: BlobBuilder (IE10/IE11) // 3: Deprecated MEGA Firefox Extension // 4: Arraybuffer/Blob Memory Based // 5: MediaSource (experimental streaming solution) // 6: IndexedDB blob based (Firefox 20+) var blob_urls = []; var dl_legacy_ie = (typeof XDomainRequest != 'undefined') && (typeof ArrayBuffer == 'undefined'); var dl_flash_connections = 0; var dl_flash_progress; var dl_instance = 0; var dl_blob; var dl_blob_array = []; var dl_key; var dl_keyNonce; var dl_macs; var dl_aes; var dl_filename; var dl_filesize; var dl_geturl; var dl_bytesreceived = 0; var dl_chunks = []; var dl_chunksizes; var dl_storagetype = 0; var dl_req_storage = false; var downloading = false; var dl_maxSlots = 4; if (localStorage.dl_maxSlots) dl_maxSlots = localStorage.dl_maxSlots; var dl_xhrs; var dl_pos; var dl_progress; var dl_lastactive; var dl_cipherq; var dl_cipherqlen; var dl_plainq; var dl_plainqlen; var dl_lastquotawarning; var dl_maxWorkers = 4; var dl_workers; var dl_workerbusy; var dl_quotabytes = 0; var dl_write_position; var dl_timeout; var dl_id; var dl_chunklen; var skipcheck = 0; var indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.OIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB; var use_idb = false; var dl_db; function dl_dispatch_chain() { if (downloading) { dl_dispatch_read(); dl_dispatch_decryption(); dl_dispatch_write(); } } function dl_dispatch_decryption() { var p; if (use_workers) { for (var id = dl_maxWorkers; id--; ) { if (!dl_workerbusy[id]) break; } if (id >= 0) { for (p in dl_cipherq) { dl_workerbusy[id] = 1; if (typeof(dl_workers[id]) == "object") { dl_workers[id].terminate(); dl_workers[id] = null; delete dl_workers[id]; } dl_workers[id] = new Worker('decrypter.js'); dl_workers[id].postMessage = dl_workers[id].webkitPostMessage || dl_workers[id].postMessage; dl_workers[id].id = id; dl_workers[id].instance = dl_instance; dl_workers[id].onmessage = function(e) { if (this.instance == dl_instance) { if (typeof( == "string") { if ([0] == '[') dl_macs[this.dl_pos] = JSON.parse(; else if (d) console.log("WORKER" + + ": '" + + "'"); } else { var databuf = new Uint8Array(; if (d) console.log("WORKER" + + ": Received " + databuf.length + " decrypted bytes at " + this.dl_pos); if (dl_zip && !this.dl_pos) { var prefix = ZIPheader(dl_queue[dl_queue_num].p+dl_queue[dl_queue_num].n,dl_queue[dl_queue_num].size,dl_queue[dl_queue_num].t).fileHeader; var prefixlen = prefix.length; if (dl_zip.suffix) { dl_zip.pos += dl_zip.suffix.length; t = new Uint8Array(dl_zip.suffix.length+prefix.length); t.set(dl_zip.suffix); t.set(prefix,dl_zip.suffix.length); prefix = t; } dl_zip.headerpos = dl_zip.pos; dl_zip.pos += prefixlen+dl_queue[dl_queue_num].size; var i, t = new Uint8Array(databuf.length+prefix.length); t.set(prefix); t.set(databuf,prefix.length); dl_chunklen[this.dl_pos] = databuf.length; databuf = t; } dl_plainq[this.dl_pos] = databuf; dl_plainqlen++; dl_workerbusy[] = 0; dl_dispatch_chain(); } } }; dl_workers[id].postMessage(dl_keyNonce); if (d) console.log("WORKER" + id + ": Queueing " + dl_cipherq[p].length + " bytes at " + p); dl_workers[id].dl_pos = parseInt(p); dl_workers[id].postMessage(dl_workers[id].dl_pos/16); dl_workers[id].postMessage(dl_cipherq[p]); delete dl_cipherq[p]; dl_cipherqlen--; break; } } else if (d) console.log("All worker threads are busy now."); } else { for (p in dl_cipherq) { if (d) console.log("Decrypting pending block at " + p + " without workers..."); dl_macs[p] = decrypt_ab_ctr(dl_aes,dl_cipherq[p],[dl_key[4],dl_key[5]],p); dl_plainq[p] = dl_cipherq[p]; delete dl_cipherq[p]; dl_cipherqlen--; dl_plainqlen++; break; } } } function dl_resume(id) { if (downloading) dl_dispatch_chain(); else { if (id) for (var i = dl_queue.length; i--; ) if (id == dl_queue[i].id) { dl_queue_num = i; break; } startdownload(); } } var tt; var dl_zip; var dl_writing; function dl_dispatch_write() { if (dl_filesize == -1) return; if ((!document.getElementById('dlswf_' + dl_id)) && (dl_method == 1)) { if (d) console.log("Flash element not yet initialized"); return; } if (dl_writing) { if (d) console.log("Writer busy"); return; } var p = -1; // enforce linearity if zipping or not using FileWriter if (dl_plainq[dl_write_position]) { p = dl_write_position; } else if (d) console.log("Plaintext at " + dl_write_position + " still missing"); if (p < 0) { dl_checklostchunk(); return; } dl_write_block(); } function dl_write_block() { if (d) console.log("Writing " + dl_plainq[dl_write_position].length + " bytes of file data at dl_pos " + dl_write_position); if (dl_zip) { if (dl_zip.crc32pos != dl_write_position) { dl_zip.crc32 = crc32(dl_plainq[dl_write_position],dl_zip.crc32,dl_chunklen[dl_write_position] || dl_plainq[dl_write_position].length); dl_zip.crc32pos = dl_write_position; } } switch (dl_method) { case 0: // Filesystem API (Chrome / Firefox Extension polyfill dl_writing = true; dl_fw.instance = dl_instance; dl_fw.targetpos = dl_fw.position+dl_plainq[dl_write_position].length; dl_fw.write(new Blob([dl_plainq[dl_write_position]])); break; case 1: // Adobe Flash SWF Filewriter (fallback for old browsers) var j, k; var len; if (have_ab) len = dl_plainq[dl_write_position].length; else len = dl_plainq[dl_write_position].buffer.length; if (have_ab) subdata = ab_to_base64(dl_plainq[dl_write_position]); else subdata = base64urlencode(dl_plainq[dl_write_position].buffer); document.getElementById('dlswf_' + dl_id).flashdata(dl_id,subdata); dl_ack_write(); break; case 2: // BlobBuilder IE10 if (have_ab) dl_blob.append(dl_plainq[dl_write_position]); else dl_blob.append(dl_plainq[dl_write_position].buffer); dl_ack_write(); break; case 3: // Deprecated Firefox Extension console.log(dl_write_position); ffe_writechunk(ab_to_str(dl_plainq[dl_write_position]),dl_write_position); dl_ack_write(); break; case 4: // Blob Memory Based Downloading dl_blob_array.push(new Blob([dl_plainq[dl_write_position]])); dl_ack_write(); break; case 5: // MediaSource (experimental) try { sourceBuffer.append(dl_plainq[dl_write_position]); } catch(e) { console.log(e); } dl_ack_write(); break; case 6: // IndexedDB blob based (Firefox 20+) dl_writing = true; DBWriter.write(dl_write_position); } } function dl_killzip(id) { for (var i = dl_queue.length; i--; ) if (id == dl_queue[i].zipid) dl_queue[i] = false; } function dl_ack_write() { if (dl_write_position < 0) { // zip suffix dl_complete(); dl_killzip(; return startdownload(); } if (dl_queue[dl_queue_num].data) new Uint8Array(dl_queue[dl_queue_num].data,dl_write_position,dl_plainq[dl_write_position].length).set(dl_plainq[dl_write_position]); var t = dl_chunklen[dl_write_position] || (have_ab ? dl_plainq[dl_write_position].length : dl_plainq[dl_write_position].buffer.length); delete dl_plainq[dl_write_position]; dl_plainqlen--; dl_write_position += t; dl_dispatch_chain(); } function dl_write_failed(e) { console.log("WRITE FAILED: " + e); if (dl_write_position < 0) { // zip trailer - retry dl_setTimeout(dl_write_block,1000); } else dl_dispatch_chain(); } function dl_settimer(timeout,target) { if (d) console.log(timeout < 0 ? "Stopping timer" : "Starting timer " + timeout); if (dl_timeout) clearTimeout(dl_timeout); if (timeout >= 0) dl_timeout = setTimeout(target,timeout); else dl_timeout = undefined; } function dl_next() { var zipid = dl_zip &&; var mi = -1; var t = new Date().getTime(); var filesleft; var i; for (i = 0; i < dl_queue.length; i++) if (dl_queue[i] && !dl_queue[i].complete && (!zipid || zipid == dl_queue[i].zipid)) { if (!dl_queue[i].mru) { mi = i; break; } if (dl_queue[i].retryafter && t < dl_queue[i].retryafter) continue; if (mi < 0 || dl_queue[i].mru < dl_queue[mi].mru) mi = i; else filesleft = 1; } if (mi >= 0) { if (!zipid && dl_queue[mi].zipid) dl_zip = { id : dl_queue[mi].zipid, dirData : [], pos : 0, headerpos : 0, suffix : '', name : dl_queue[mi].zipname, crc32pos : -1 }; dl_queue[mi].mru = t; return mi; } if (filesleft) dl_settimer(5000,startdownload); else { if (zipid) { var t = []; var p = dl_zip.pos+dl_zip.suffix.length; t.push(dl_zip.suffix); // t.push(ZIPfolders(,p)); dl_zip.pos += t[0].length; //+t[1].length; for (i = 0; i < dl_zip.dirData.length; i++) t.push(dl_zip.dirData[i]); t.push(ZIPsuffix(p)); var l = 0; for (i = t.length; i--; ) l += t[i].length; var b = new Uint8Array(l); l = 0; for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { b.set(t[i],l); l += t[i].length; } dl_plainq = { '-1' : b }; dl_write_position = -1; dl_write_block(-1); } else dl_queue = []; return -1; } } // try to start download at dl_queue_num // if that download is not available, loop through the whole dl_queue and try to start // another one function startdownload() { if (downloading) { if (d) console.log("startdownload() called with active download"); return; } if (dl_req_storage) return; dl_queue_num = dl_next(); if (dl_queue_num < 0) return; dl_settimer(-1); downloading = true; dl_key = dl_queue[dl_queue_num].key; if (d) console.log("dl_key " + dl_key); if (dl_queue[dl_queue_num].ph) dl_id = dl_queue[dl_queue_num].ph; else dl_id = dl_queue[dl_queue_num].id; dl_geturl = ''; dl_bytesreceived = 0; dl_chunksizes = []; dl_keyNonce = JSON.stringify([dl_key[0]^dl_key[4],dl_key[1]^dl_key[5],dl_key[2]^dl_key[6],dl_key[3]^dl_key[7],dl_key[4],dl_key[5]]); dl_macs = {}; dl_filesize = -1; dl_cipherq = []; dl_cipherqlen = 0; dl_plainq = []; dl_plainqlen = 0; dl_lastquotawarning = 0; dl_chunklen = {}; dl_pos = Array(dl_maxSlots); dl_progress = Array(dl_maxSlots); dl_lastactive = Array(dl_maxSlots); if (!dl_legacy_ie) { dl_xhrs = Array(dl_maxSlots); for (var slot = dl_maxSlots; slot--; ) { dl_xhrs[slot] = new XMLHttpRequest; if (dl_xhrs[slot].overrideMimeType) dl_xhrs[slot].overrideMimeType('text/plain; charset=x-user-defined'); dl_xhrs[slot].slot = slot; dl_pos[slot] = -1; dl_progress[slot] = 0; } } else { dl_flash_connections = 0; dl_flash_progress = {}; } if (use_workers) { dl_workers = new Array(dl_maxWorkers); dl_workerbusy = new Array(dl_maxWorkers); for (var id = dl_maxWorkers; id--; ) dl_workerbusy[id] = 0; } else dl_aes = new sjcl.cipher.aes([dl_key[0]^dl_key[4],dl_key[1]^dl_key[5],dl_key[2]^dl_key[6],dl_key[3]^dl_key[7]]); dl_write_position = 0; dl_getsourceurl(startdownload2); } function dl_renewsourceurl() { dl_getsourceurl(dl_renewsourceurl2); } function dl_getsourceurl(callback) { req = { a : 'g', g : 1, ssl : use_ssl }; if (dl_queue[dl_queue_num].ph) req.p = dl_queue[dl_queue_num].ph; else if (dl_queue[dl_queue_num].id) req.n = dl_queue[dl_queue_num].id; api_req([req],{ callback : callback }); } function dl_renewsourceurl2(res,ctx) { if (typeof res == 'object') { if (typeof res[0] == 'number') { dl_reportstatus(dl_queue_num,res[0]); } else { if (res[0].g) { dl_geturl = res[0].g; dl_dispatch_chain() return; } else if (res[0].e) dl_reportstatus(dl_queue_num,res[0].e); } dl_queue[dl_queue_num].retryafter = new Date().getTime()+30000; startdownload(); } } function dl_reportstatus(num,code) { if (dl_queue[num]) { dl_queue[num].lasterror = code; dl_queue[num].onDownloadError(dl_queue[num].id || dl_queue[num].ph,code); } } function startdownload2(res,ctx) { if (typeof res == 'object') { if (typeof res[0] == 'number') { dl_reportstatus(dl_queue_num,res[0]); } else { if (res[0].d) { dl_reportstatus(dl_queue_num,res[0].d ? 2 : 1); dl_queue[dl_queue_num] = false; } else if (res[0].g) { var ab = base64_to_ab(res[0].at); var o = dec_attr(ab,[dl_key[0]^dl_key[4],dl_key[1]^dl_key[5],dl_key[2]^dl_key[6],dl_key[3]^dl_key[7]]); if (typeof o == 'object' && typeof o.n == 'string') { if (have_ab && res[0].pfa && res[0].s <= 48*1048576 && is_image(o.n) && (!res[0].fa || res[0].fa.indexOf(':0*') < 0)) dl_queue[dl_queue_num].data = new ArrayBuffer(res[0].s); return dl_setcredentials(res[0].g,res[0].s,o.n); } else dl_reportstatus(dl_queue_num,EKEY); } else dl_reportstatus(dl_queue_num,res[0].e); } } else dl_reportstatus(dl_queue_num,EAGAIN); downloading = false; dl_queue_num++; dl_retryinterval *= 1.2; dl_settimer(dl_retryinterval,startdownload); } function dl_setcredentials(g,s,n) { var i; var p; var pp; dl_geturl = g; dl_filesize = s; dl_filename = n; dl_chunks = []; p = pp = 0; for (i = 1; i <= 8 && p < dl_filesize-i*131072; i++) { dl_chunksizes[p] = i*131072; dl_chunks.push(p); pp = p; p += dl_chunksizes[p]; } while (p < dl_filesize) { dl_chunksizes[p] = 1048576; dl_chunks.push(p); pp = p; p += dl_chunksizes[p]; } if (!(dl_chunksizes[pp] = dl_filesize-pp)) { delete dl_chunksizes[pp]; delete dl_chunks[dl_chunks.length-1]; } if (dl_zip) { delete dl_zip.crc32; dl_zip.crc32pos = -1; } if (!dl_zip || ! { if (dl_zip) = true; switch (dl_method) { case 0: // Chrome (aync) dl_createtmp(); return; case 2: dl_blob = new MSBlobBuilder(); break; case 3: ffe_createtmp(); break; case 4: dl_blob_array = []; break; case 6: DBWriter.init(); } } dl_run(); } function dl_run() { if (dl_filesize) { for (var i = dl_maxSlots; i--; ) dl_dispatch_read(); dl_queue[dl_queue_num].onDownloadStart(dl_id,dl_filename,dl_filesize); } else dl_checklostchunk(); } function dl_checklostchunk() { var i, p; if (dl_write_position == dl_filesize) { if (dl_filesize) { var t = []; for (p in dl_macs) t.push(p); t.sort(function(a,b) { return parseInt(a)-parseInt(b) }); for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) t[i] = dl_macs[t[i]]; var mac = condenseMacs(t,[dl_key[0]^dl_key[4],dl_key[1]^dl_key[5],dl_key[2]^dl_key[6],dl_key[3]^dl_key[7]]); } if (skipcheck) console.log('Expected: [' + dl_key[6] + ',' + dl_key[7] + '], got: [' + (mac[0]^mac[1]) + ',' + (mac[2]^mac[3]) + ']'); downloading = false; if (have_ab && !skipcheck && dl_filesize && (dl_key[6] != (mac[0]^mac[1]) || dl_key[7] != (mac[2]^mac[3]))) { dl_reportstatus(dl_queue_num,EKEY); if (dl_zip) dl_killzip(; else dl_queue[dl_queue_num] = false; } else { if (dl_queue[dl_queue_num].data && !skipcheck) createnodethumbnail(dl_queue[dl_queue_num].id,new sjcl.cipher.aes([dl_key[0]^dl_key[4],dl_key[1]^dl_key[5],dl_key[2]^dl_key[6],dl_key[3]^dl_key[7]]),++ul_faid,dl_queue[dl_queue_num].data); if (!dl_zip) dl_complete(); else { t = ZIPheader(dl_queue[dl_queue_num].p+dl_queue[dl_queue_num].n,dl_queue[dl_queue_num].size,dl_queue[dl_queue_num].t,dl_zip.crc32,false,dl_zip.headerpos); dl_zip.suffix = t.dataDescriptor; dl_zip.dirData.push(t.dirRecord); dl_queue[dl_queue_num].complete = true; dl_queue[dl_queue_num].crc32 = dl_zip.crc32; } // release all downloads waiting for quota for (i = dl_queue.length; i--; ) if (dl_queue[i] && dl_queue[i].lasterror == EOVERQUOTA) { dl_reportstatus(i,0); delete dl_queue[i].retryafter; } dl_retryinterval = 1000; } startdownload(); } } function dl_complete() { var name; var path; if (dl_zip) { name =; path = false; } else { name = dl_queue[dl_queue_num].n; path = dl_queue[dl_queue_num].p; } switch (dl_method) { case 0: if (dl_queue_num >= 0) dl_queue[dl_queue_num].onBeforeDownloadComplete(); document.getElementById('dllink').download = name; document.getElementById('dllink').href = document.fileEntry.toURL(); if (!is_chrome_firefox) document.getElementById('dllink').click(); break; case 1: document.getElementById('dlswf_' + dl_id).flashdata(dl_id,'',name); break; case 2: navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(dl_blob.getBlob(),name); break; case 3: ffe_complete(name,path); break; case 4: document.getElementById('dllink').download = name; blob_urls.push(myURL.createObjectURL(new Blob(dl_blob_array))); document.getElementById('dllink').href = blob_urls[blob_urls.length-1]; document.getElementById('dllink').click(); setTimeout(function() { myURL.revokeObjectURL(document.getElementById('dllink').href); },100); break; case 6: DBWriter.servedl(name); } if (dl_zip) { fm_zipcomplete(; dl_killzip(; dl_zip = false; } else { dl_queue[dl_queue_num].onDownloadComplete(dl_id); dl_queue[dl_queue_num] = false; } } function dl_httperror(code) { if (code == 509) { var t = new Date().getTime(); if (!dl_lastquotawarning || t-dl_lastquotawarning > 55000) { dl_lastquotawarning = t; dl_reportstatus(dl_queue_num,code == 509 ? EOVERQUOTA : ETOOMANYCONNECTIONS); dl_settimer(60000,dl_dispatch_chain); } return; } dl_reportstatus(dl_queue_num,EAGAIN); dl_retryinterval *= 1.2; if (!dl_write_position) { dl_cancel(); dl_queue_num++; dl_settimer(dl_retryinterval,startdownload); } else { if (d) console.log("Network error, retrying in " + Math.floor(dl_retryinterval)/1000 + " seconds..."); dl_settimer(dl_retryinterval,code == 509 ? dl_dispatch_chain : dl_renewsourceurl); } } function flash_dlprogress(p,numbytes) { dl_flash_progress[p] = numbytes; dl_updateprogress(); } function dl_flashdldata(p,data,httpcode) { dl_flash_connections--; if (data == 'ERROR' || httpcode != 200) { dl_chunks.unshift(p); var t = new Date().getTime(); dl_httperror(httpcode); return; } data = base64urldecode(data); delete dl_flash_progress[p]; dl_bytesreceived += data.length; dl_cipherq[p] = { buffer : data }; dl_cipherqlen++; dl_updateprogress(); dl_dispatch_chain(); } function dl_dispatch_read() { if (uldl_hold || dl_cipherqlen+dl_plainqlen > dl_maxSlots+40) return; if (!dl_chunks.length) return; if (dl_legacy_ie) { if (dl_flash_connections > 6) return; dl_flash_connections++; var p = dl_chunks[0]; dl_chunks.splice(0,1); flashdlchunk(p,dl_geturl + '/' + p + '-' + (p+dl_chunksizes[p]-1)); return; } for (var slot = dl_maxSlots; slot--; ) if (dl_pos[slot] == -1) break; if (slot < 0) return; dl_pos[slot] = dl_chunks[0]; dl_chunks.splice(0,1); dl_xhrs[slot].instance = dl_instance; if (d) console.log("Requesting chunk " + dl_pos[slot] + "/" + dl_chunksizes[dl_pos[slot]] + " on slot " + slot + ", " + dl_chunks.length + " remaining"); dl_xhrs[slot].onprogress = function(e) { if (this.instance == dl_instance) { dl_lastactive[this.slot] = new Date().getTime(); if (!dl_lastquotawarning || new Date().getTime()-dl_lastquotawarning > 55000) { if (dl_pos[this.slot] >= 0) { dl_progress[this.slot] = e.loaded; dl_updateprogress(); } } } } dl_xhrs[slot].onreadystatechange = function() { if (this.instance == dl_instance) { dl_lastactive[this.slot] = new Date().getTime(); if (this.readyState == this.DONE) { if (dl_pos[this.slot] >= 0) { if (this.response != null) { var p = dl_pos[this.slot]; if (have_ab) { if (p >= 0) { if (navigator.appName != 'Opera') dl_bytesreceived += this.response.byteLength; dl_cipherq[p] = new Uint8Array(this.response); } } else { // non-IE if (p >= 0) { dl_bytesreceived += this.response.length; dl_cipherq[p] = { buffer : this.response }; } } dl_cipherqlen++; if (navigator.appName != 'Opera') dl_progress[this.slot] = 0; dl_updateprogress(); dl_pos[this.slot] = -1; dl_dispatch_chain(); } else { if (dl_pos[this.slot] != -1) { dl_chunks.unshift(dl_pos[this.slot]); dl_pos[this.slot] = -1; dl_httperror(this.status); } } } } } } var range = '/' + dl_pos[slot] + '-' + (dl_pos[slot]+dl_chunksizes[dl_pos[slot]]-1); if (dl_method) dl_xhrs[slot].open('POST', dl_geturl + range, true); else { // plug extreme Chrome memory leak var t = dl_geturl.lastIndexOf('/dl/'); dl_xhrs[slot].open('POST', dl_geturl.substr(0,t+1)); dl_xhrs[slot].setRequestHeader("MEGA-Chrome-Antileak",dl_geturl.substr(t) + range); } dl_xhrs[slot].responseType = have_ab ? 'arraybuffer' : 'text'; dl_xhrs[slot].send(); } var dl_prevprogress = 0; var dl_lastprogress = 0; function dl_updateprogress() { var p = dl_bytesreceived; if (dl_queue[dl_queue_num]) { if (dl_legacy_ie) for (var pp in dl_flash_progress) p += dl_flash_progress[pp]; else for (var slot = dl_maxSlots; slot--; ) p += dl_progress[slot]; if (dl_lastprogress+250 > new Date().getTime()) return false; else dl_lastprogress=new Date().getTime(); dl_queue[dl_queue_num].onDownloadProgress(dl_id, p, dl_filesize, dl_xr.update(p-dl_prevprogress)); dl_prevprogress = p; } } function appendBuffer( buffer1, buffer2 ) { var tmp = new Uint8Array( buffer1.byteLength + buffer2.byteLength ); tmp.set( new Uint8Array( buffer1 ), 0 ); tmp.set( new Uint8Array( buffer2 ), buffer1.byteLength ); return tmp.buffer; } function dl_cancel() { dl_settimer(-1); dl_instance++; dl_xhrs = dl_pos = dl_workers = dl_progress = dl_cipherq = dl_plainq = dl_progress = dl_chunks = dl_chunksizes = undefined; downloading = false; dl_writing = false; dl_zip = false; } var fs_instance; function dl_retryfsop() { if (fs_instance == dl_instance) dl_createtmp(); } function dl_createtmpfile(fs) { dl_fs = fs; dl_fs.root.getDirectory(dirid, {create: true}, function(dirEntry) { if (d) console.log('Directory "' + dirid + '" created') document.dirEntry = dirEntry; }, getDirectory_errorHandler); if (d) console.log("Opening file for writing: " + dl_id); fs.root.getFile(dirid + '/' + dl_id, {create: true}, function(fileEntry) { fileEntry.createWriter(function(fileWriter) { if (d) console.log('File "' + dirid + '/' + dl_id + '" created'); dl_fw = fileWriter; dl_fw.truncate(0); dl_fw.onerror = function(e) { if (d) console.log('Write failed: ' + e.toString()); if (this.instance == dl_instance) { dl_writing = false; dl_write_failed(e); } } dl_fw.onwriteend = function() { if (this.instance == dl_instance) { if (d) console.log("fileWriter: onwriteend, position: " + this.position + ", expected: " + this.targetpos); dl_writing = false; if (this.position == this.targetpos) dl_ack_write(); else dl_write_failed('Short write (' + this.position + ' / ' + this.targetpos + ')'); } } document.fileEntry = fileEntry; dl_run(); }, createWriter_errorHandler); }, getFile_errorHandler); } function RequestFileSystem_errorHandler(e) { errorHandler(e,'RequestFileSystem'); } function getDirectory_errorHandler(e) { errorHandler(e,'getDirectory'); } function createWriter_errorHandler(e) { errorHandler(e,'createWriter'); } function getFile_errorHandler(e) { errorHandler(e,'getFile'); } function errorHandler(e,type) { switch (e.code) { case FileError.QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR: alert('Error writing file, is your harddrive almost full? (' + type + ')'); break; case FileError.NOT_FOUND_ERR: alert('NOT_FOUND_ERR in ' + type); break; case FileError.SECURITY_ERR: alert('File transfers do not work with Chrome Incognito.
' + '(Security Error in ' + type + ')'); break; case FileError.INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR: alert('INVALID_MODIFICATION_ERR in ' + type); break; case FileError.INVALID_STATE_ERR: fs_instance = dl_instance; console.log('INVALID_STATE_ERROR in ' + type + ', retrying...'); setTimeout(dl_retryfsop,500); break; default: alert('webkitRequestFileSystem failed in ' + type); } } var dirid = "mega"; function dl_createtmp() { window.requestFileSystem(dl_storagetype,1024*1024*1024*25,dl_createtmpfile,RequestFileSystem_errorHandler); } if (window.webkitRequestFileSystem) { window.requestFileSystem = window.webkitRequestFileSystem; function dl_getspace(storagetype,minsize) { if (!storagetype) storagetype = 0; if (!minsize) minsize = 0; window.webkitStorageInfo.queryUsageAndQuota(1, function(used, remaining) { if (remaining > 0) { dl_quotabytes = remaining; dl_storagetype=1; if (dl_quotabytes < 1073741824) clearit(1,3600); else clearit(1); startdownload(); } else { var requestbytes = 1024*1024*1024*100; if (storagetype == 0) requestbytes = 1024*1024*1024*25; if (storagetype == 1) dl_req_storage = true; window.webkitStorageInfo.requestQuota(storagetype,requestbytes,function(grantedBytes) { window.webkitStorageInfo.queryUsageAndQuota(storagetype, function(used, remaining) { if (storagetype == 1) dl_req_storage = false; dl_quotabytes = remaining; if (dl_quotabytes < 1073741824) clearit(storagetype,3600); if ((remaining == 0) && (storagetype == 1)) { if (!dl_req_storage) dl_getspace(1,minsize); return false; } else if ((minsize > dl_quotabytes) && (storagetype == 0)) { if (!dl_req_storage) dl_getspace(1,minsize) return false; } else if ((minsize > dl_quotabytes) && (storagetype == 1)) clearit(storagetype,3600); if (remaining > 0) dl_storagetype = storagetype; startdownload(); }, function(e) { console.log('ERROR: Could not query usage and storage quota. (' + dl_storagetype + ') ' + e); alert('Could not query usage and storage quota. (' + dl_storagetype + ') ' + e); }); }, function(e) { console.log('ERROR: Could not grant storage space (' + dl_storagetype + ') ' + e); alert('Could not grant storage space (' + dl_storagetype + ') ' + e); }); } }, function(e) { console.log('ERROR: Could not query usage and storage quota. (' + dl_storagetype + ') ' + e); alert('Could not query usage and storage quota. (' + dl_storagetype + ') ' + e); }); } dl_getspace(0); dl_method = 0; } else if (navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) { dl_method = 2; } else if ("download" in document.createElementNS("", "a") && use_idb) { function pingDBname() { var dbnames = localStorage.dbnames; if (dbnames) dbnames = JSON.parse(dbnames); else dbnames = {}; dbnames[DBWriter.iddb_name] = { t: new Date().getTime() }; localStorage.dbnames = JSON.stringify(dbnames); } function purgeDBcache() { var dbnames = localStorage.dbnames; if (dbnames) { dbnames = JSON.parse(dbnames); for (var name in dbnames) { if (((dbnames[name].c) && (dbnames[name].t < (new Date().getTime()-86000000))) || (dbnames[name].t < (new Date().getTime()-200000000))) { try { window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase(name); delete dbnames[name]; } catch (e) { console.log('Failed to purge cache DB ' + name); } } } localStorage.dbnames = JSON.stringify(dbnames); } } purgeDBcache(); var firefox20 = true; dl_method = 6; var DBWriter = { names: {}, writing: false, write: function(p) { if (localStorage.dbquota) DBWriter.dowrite(); else { //ffDialog.start(); DBWriter.tmpdb = new Date().getTime(); var request =,1); request.onerror = function (error) { //ffDialog.start(); if (d) console.log('Error obtaining quota, retrying...'); DBWriter.write(); }; request.onsuccess = function (event) { DBWriter.tmpiddb = request.result; request.getquota(); }, request.onupgradeneeded = function (event) {; }; request.getquota = function () { var transaction = DBWriter.tmpiddb.transaction(DBWriter.tmpdb,'readwrite'); transaction.oncomplete = function() { //ffDialog.close(); DBWriter.tmpiddb.close(); window.indexedDB.deleteDatabase(DBWriter.tmpdb); localStorage.dbquota = 1; DBWriter.dowrite(); } transaction.onerror = function(event) { //ffDialog.start(); DBWriter.write(); } transaction.objectStore(DBWriter.tmpdb).put(new Blob([new ArrayBuffer(62914560)]),'quota'); } } }, dowrite: function() { var request =, 1); request.onerror = function (error) { dl_write_failed(error); }; request.onsuccess = function (event) { // hide quota warning dialog retry = 0; DBWriter.iddb = request.result; request.dowrite(); } request.onupgradeneeded = function (event) {; } request.dowrite = function() { var transaction = DBWriter.iddb.transaction(DBWriter.iddb_name,'readwrite'); transaction.oncomplete = function() { if (transaction.dl_instance == dl_instance) { dl_writing = false; //ffDialog.close(); DBWriter.iddb_i++; retry = 0; DBWriter.iddb.close(); pingDBname(); if (d) console.log('DBWriter: Chunk complete'); dl_ack_write(); } } transaction.onerror = function(event) { dl_writing = false; // show quota warning dialog DBWriter.write(); } transaction.dl_instance = dl_instance; transaction.objectStore(DBWriter.iddb_name).put(new Blob([dl_plainq[dl_write_position]]),'chunk'+DBWriter.iddb_i); } }, servedl: function(name) { if (!name) name = 'file.bin'; var request =, 1); request.onsuccess = function(event) { var iddb = request.result; var transaction = iddb.transaction([DBWriter.iddb_name],'readonly'); transaction.objectStore(DBWriter.iddb_name).mozGetAll().onsuccess = function(event) { var dlURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob(; var a = document.getElementById('dllink'); = name; a.href = dlURL;; }; } }, init: function() { DBWriter.iddb_i = 1000000; DBWriter.iddb_name = new Date().getTime(); DBWriter.names[DBWriter.iddb_name] = 1; pingDBname() } }; $(window).unload(function() { var dbnames = localStorage.dbnames; if (dbnames) dbnames = JSON.parse(dbnames); else dbnames = {}; for (var name in DBWriter.names) { dbnames[DBWriter.iddb_name] = { t: new Date().getTime(), c: 1 }; } localStorage.dbnames = JSON.stringify(dbnames); }); } else if ("download" in document.createElementNS("", "a")) { dl_method = 4; } else { // Flash fallback dl_method = 1; } if (localStorage.dlmethod) dl_method = parseInt(localStorage.dlmethod); function getxr() { return { update : function(b) { var ts = new Date().getTime(); if (b < 0) { this.tb = {}; = 0; return 0; } if (b) this.tb[ts] = this.tb[ts] ? this.tb[ts]+b : b; b = 0; for (t in this.tb) { t = parseInt(t); if (t < ts-this.window) delete this.tb[t]; else b += this.tb[t]; } if (!b) { = 0; return 0; } else if (! = ts; if (!(ts -= return 0; if (ts > this.window) ts = this.window; return b/ts; }, tb : {}, st : 0, window : 60000 } } var dl_xr = getxr(); var uldl_hold = false; function uldl_pause() { uldl_hold = true; } function uldl_resume() { var i; uldl_hold = false; if (downloading) for (i = dl_maxSlots; i--; ) dl_dispatch_chain(); if (ul_uploading) for (i = ul_maxSlots; i--; ) ul_dispatch_chain();