EMPTY GUNS Hailing from Athens, Greece, Empty Guns emerges as a dynamic force in the Alt-Rock, Grunge, and Hard Rock genres. Their story takes root in the summer of 2018 with the inception of their debut track, "Whiskey Infused Thoughts." What began as the individual songwriting pursuits of friends Stacy and Dimitris soon transformed into a collaborative endeavor, birthing the foundation of Empty Guns. This marked the genesis of their evolution, prompting the quest for additional members to shape their collective vision. Presently, Empty Guns has solidified its status as a cohesive unit, comprising four talented musicians: Stacy Mousakian, whose evocative vocals lead the way; Dimitris Oikonomou, master of the guitar; the rhythmic foundation of the band, Giannis Kalampalikis on drums; and Dimitris Mpalomenos, the backbone on bass. Notably, the band achieved a significant milestone with the release of their EP, "Passive Aggressive," in 2019. This compelling compilation includes a quartet of tracks, opening with the resonating "Gone," followed by the pulsating energy of "Dangerous Ride," the introspective "My Sweetest Sin," and culminating with the poignant echo of their inaugural creation, "Whiskey Infused Thoughts." Building upon their musical journey, Empty Guns didn't falter in momentum, revealing their new single "Lick The Devil’s Horn" in 2021. Moreover, a pivotal milestone awaited them as they inked a deal with SODEH Records. With a trajectory that's already written an impressive chapter, Empty Guns continues to carve their path in the global music landscape, offering an amalgamation of genres that resonates with a diverse audience. Athens, Greece, Empty Guns