Radiohead Time Signatures Pablo Honey (1993) 1. You Verse (0:00): 3x 6/8, 1x 5/8 Chorus (0:38): 6x 6/8, 3x 6/8, 1x 5/8, 3x 6/8, 1x 5/8 (1:47): 1x 5/8, 2x 6/8, 1x 5/8 2. Creep 4/4 3. How Do You? 4/4 4. Stop Whispering 4/4 5. Thinking About You 4/4 6. Anyone Can Play Guitar 4/4 7. Ripcord Verse (0:00): 2x 4/4, 1x 2/4, 2x 4/4 Chorus (0:31): 4/4 8. Vegetable Verse (0:00): 1x 4/4, 1x 2/4, 1x 4/4 Chorus (0:34): 4/4 (0:48): 1x 4/4, 1x 2/4, 1x 4/4, 1x 4/4, 1x 2/4, 2x 4/4 9. Prove Yourself 4/4 10. I Can't 4/4 11. Lurgee 4/4 12. Blow Out 4/4 The Bends (1995) 1. Planet Telex 4/4 2. The Bends 4/4 3. High And Dry 4/4 4. Fake Plastic Trees 4/4 5. Bones 1x 6/4, 2x 4/4 6. (Nice Dream) 6/8 7. Just 4/4 8. My Iron Lung 4/4 9. Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was 4/4 10. Black Star Intro (0:00): 6/4 (could be counted 1x 8/8, 1x 4/8) Verse (0:19): 4/4 11. Sulk 6/8 12. Street Spirit (Fade Out) 4/4 OK Computer (1997) 1. Airbag 4/4 2. Paranoid Android (0:00): 4/4 (2:09): 3x 7/8, 1x 8/8 (2:19): 4/4 (2:31): 3x 7/8, 1x 8/8 (2:42): 4/4 (2:54): 3x 7/8, 1x 8/8 (3:04): 4/4 (3:16): 3x 7/8, 1x 8/8 (3:27): 4/4 (5:47): 3x 7/8, 1x 8/8 (5:58): 4/4 (6:09): 3x 7/8, 1x 8/8 3. Subterranean Homesick Alien 6/8 4. Exit Music (For A Film) 4/4 5. Let Down Intro (0:00): 5/8 (continues as polyrhythm) (0:12): 4/4 6. Karma Police 4/4 7. Fitter Happier Free time. When the piano is at it's most discernible it appears to be in 6/4. 8. Electioneering 12/8 9. Climbing Up The Walls 4/4 10. No Surprises 4/4 11. Lucky 4/4 12. The Tourist 9/8 (0:19): 1x 12/8 Kid A (2000) 1. Everything In Its Right Place 10/4 2. Kid A 4/4 3. The National Anthem 4/4 4. How To Disappear Completely 6/8 5. Treefingers Free time. 6. Optimstic 4/4 (5:03): 1x 2/4 7. In Limbo Verse (0:00): 6/4 (Drums 4/4 polyrhythm) Chorus (0:31): 4/4 8. Idioteque 4/4 9. Morning Bell 5/4 10. Motion Picture Soundtrack 4/4 (4:18): Free time Amnesiac (2001) 1. Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box 4/4 2. Pyramid Song 4/4 3. Pull/Pulk Revolving Doors 4/4 4. You And Whose Army? 4/4 5. I Might Be Wrong 4/4 6. Knives Out 4/4 7. Morning Bell/Amnesiac 4/4 8. Dollars And Cents 4/4 9. Hunting Bears Free time. 10. Like Spinning Plates 4/4 11. Life In A Glass House 4/4 Hail To The Thief (2003) 1. 2 + 2 = 5 (The Lukewarm) (0:00): 7/4 (1:18): 8/4 (1:21): 4/4 2. Sit Down. Stand Up. (Snakes & Ladders) 4/4 3. Sail To The Moon (Brush The Cobwebs Out Of The Sky) (0:00): 1x 5/4, 2x 4/4, 1x 3/4 (0:17): 2x 4/4 (0:25): 3x 3/4, 1x 4/4, 1x 3/4, 1x 2/4 (0:45): 4/4 (1:16): 1x 2/4, 1x 3/4, 3x 4/4 (1:34): 4/4 (1:47): 1x 2/4, 3x 3/4, 1x 2/4, 1x 3/4, 1x 2/4 (2:06): 1x 3/4, 1x 2/4, 1x 3/4, 1x 2/4 (2:17): 4/4 (2:30): 1x 2/4, 1x 3x4, 2x 4/4, 1x 3/4 (2:47): 1x 4/4, 1x 3/4, 1x 4/4, 1x 2/4, 1x 3/4, 1x 4/4 (3:08): 1x 4/4, 1x 2/4, 1x 3/4, 1x 4/4 (3:22): 1x 4/4, 1x 2/4, 1x 3/4, 1x 2/4 (3:34): 1x 5/4, 1x 3/4, 1x 2/4, 1x 5/4, 1x 3/4, 1x 2/4 (3:56): 3/4 4. Backdrifts (Honeymoon Is Over) 4/4 5. Go To Sleep (Little Man Being Erased) (0:00): 1x 4/4, 1x 6/4 (Could be counted 10/4) (1:22): 4/4 6. Where I End And You Begin (The Sky Is Falling In) 4/4 7. We Suck Young Blood (Your Time Is Up) 4/4 8. The Gloaming (Softly Open Our Mouths In The Cold) 4/4 9. There There (The Boney King of Nowhere) 4/4 10. I Will (No Man's Land) 4/4 11. A Punchup At A Wedding (No No No No No No No No) 4/4 12. Myxomatosis (Judge, Jury & Executioner) 4/4 13. Scatterbrain (As Dead As Leaves) 4/4 12. A Wolf At The Door (It Girl. Rag Doll) 6/8 In Rainbows (2007) 1. 15 Step 5/4 2. Bodysnatchers 4/4 3. Nude 6/8 4. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi 4/4 5. All I Need 4/4 6. Faust Arp (0:00): 2/2 (0:08): 3x 3/4 (0:10): 4/4 (0:17): 3x 3/4 (0:20): 4/4 (0:42): 3x 3/4 (0:45): 4/4 (0:51): 3x 3/4 (0:54): 4/4 7. Reckoner 4/4 8. House Of Cards 4/4 9. Jigsaw Falling Into Place 4/4 10. Videotape 4/4 The King Of Limbs (2011) (Polyrhythms everywhere!) 1. Bloom (0:00) 4/4 (0:14) 3/4 2. Morning Mr. Magpie 4/4 3. Little By Little 4/4 4. Feral 4/4 5. Lotus Flower 4/4 6. Codex 4/4 (3:34): 1x 5/4, 1x 4/4, 1x 5/4, 1x 4/4 7. Give Up The Ghost 4/4 8. Separator 4/4 Pablo Honey (B-Sides) 1. Stupid Car 4/4 2. Inside My Head 4/4 3. Million Dollar Question 4/4 4. Faithless, The Wonder Boy 4/4 (1:31): 1x 2/4 4/4 (2:09): 1x 2/4 5. Coke Babies (0:00): 6/8 (0:38): 4/4 6. Yes I Am 4/4 7. Pop Is Dead (0:00): 4/4 (0:32): 2x 4/4, 1x 2/4 (0:42): 4/4 (1:12): 2x 4/4, 1x 2/4 (1:31): 4/4 (1:49): 2x 4/4, 1x 2/4 The Bends (B-Sides) 1. The Trickster Verse (0:00): 4/4 Chorus (0:53): 2x 4/4, 1x 3/4, 4x 4/4 2. Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong 4/4 3. Lozenge Of Love 4/4 4. Lewis (Mistreated) 4/4 5. Permanent Daylight Verse (0:00): 2x 4/4, 3x 6/4 Chorus (0:38): 4/4 6. You Never Wash Up After Yourself 6/8 7. Maquilado 4/4 8. Killer Cars 4/4 9. India Rubber 4/4 (0:14): 2x 4/4, 1x 6/4 4/4 (0:27): 2x 4/4, 1x 6/4 4/4 (1:08): 2x 4/4, 1x 6/4 4/4 (1:21): 2x 4/4, 1x 6/4 4/4 10. How Can You Be Sure? 4/4 11. Talk Show Host 4/4 12. Bishop's Robes 4/4 13. Banana Co. 4/4 14. Molasses 3/4 15. True Love Waits (Live) 4/4 OK Computer (B-Sides) 1. Polyethylene Pts. 1 & 2 (0:00) 4/4 (0:45) 1x 9/8, 1x 4/4 (1:12) 1x 10/4, 1x 4/4 (1:35) 1x 4/4, 2x 3/4, 1x 4/4 (1:58) 1x 9/8, 1x 4/4 (2:12) 1x 4/4 (2:15) 1x 10/4, 1x 4/4 (2:37) 1x 4/4, 2x 3/4, 1x 4/4 (3:00) 1x 9/8, 1x 4/4 2. Pearly 4/4 3. A Reminder 3/4 4. Melatonin 4/4 5. Meeting In The Aisle 4/4 6. Lull 4/4 7. Palo Alto 4/4 8. How I Made My Millions 4/4 Amnesiac (B-Sides) 1. Cuttooth 4/4 2. The Amazing Sounds Of Orgy 4/4 3. Trans-Atlantic Drawl 4/4 4. Fast-Track 4/4 5. Kinetic 4/4 6. Worrywort 4/4 7. Fog 4/4 Hail To The Thief (B-Sides) 1. Paperbag Writer 4/4 2. Where Bluebirds Fly 4/4 3. I Am Citizen Insane 10/4 4. Gagging Order 4/4 5. I Am A Wicked Child 4/4 6. Fog (Again) 6/4 In Rainbows (B-Sides) 1. Mk 1 Free time. 2. Down Is The New Up 4/4 3. Go Slowly 4/4 4. Mk 2 Free time. 5. Last Flowers 4/4 6. Up On The Ladder 4/4 7. Bangers And Mash 4/4 8. 4 Minute Warning (0:00): 6/4 (2:35): 4/4 (2:47): 1x 5/4 (2:52): 6/4 (3:38): 4/4 (3:50): 1x 5/4 9. I Want None Of This 3/4 The King Of Limbs (B-Sides) 1. Harry Patch (In Memory Of) 4/4 2. These Are My Twisted Words 5/4 (Drums 4/4 polyrhythm) 3. Supercollider 4/4 4. The Butcher 4/4 5. The Daily Mail (0:00): 4/4 (1:38): 1x 2/4 2x 4/4 (2:00): 1x 4/4, 1x 2/4 (2:06): 4/4 6. Staircase 4/4 (Could be counted 3/4 by counting triplets) ----------------------- Thank you for reading. Please e-mail any corrections to - tentativedecisions -----------------------