131. Act Of Petition After Holy Communion O Jesus, merciful Saviour, relying on Thy infinite goodness, I hope to obtain through this holy communion all the graces of which I stand in need for my greater sanctification and eternal salvation. Begging Thy pardon for all the transgressions of my past life, I first of all beseech Thee to give me the grace that I may never again fall into any mortal sin. I would rather be dead than live a moment without Thy grace and Thy love. But Thou, O Lord, knowest how weak I am and how prone to evil. Do Thou strengthen me by Thy grace that I may be faithful in doing Thy will. Thou canst heal all the evils of my soul since Thou art its true Physician, who givest me Thy body and blood in this Blessed Sacrament as a sovereign medicine for all my infirmities. Dispel the darkness of ignorance from my understanding by Thy heavenly light; banish the corruption and malice of my will by the fire of Thy divine love; subdue in me all evil passions and help me especially to overcome my predominant fault; stand by me in all temptations of the devil, the world, and the flesh, that I may not fall into their snares. Increase my faith, and grant that in my daily life I may be guided by Thy example and the maxims of Thy holy Gospel. Teach me to be poor in spirit; to place no value upon the world's transitory pleasures and honours; to be meek and humble of heart and in patience to possess my soul; to love Thee more and more and to walk always in Thy presence; to be kind and generous to my neighbour; to strive earnestly to advance every day in holiness and perfection. May Thy holy will be accomplished in me. Grant me, above all, the grace of final perseverance; that I may become a saint. O Mary, immaculate Mother of God! All ye angels and saints of heaven! Unite your prayers with mine as you stand before the throne of Divine grace, and, above all, pray that I may be united with you in loving, praising and enjoying God for all eternity. Amen.