// ==UserScript== // @name 999Tools // @namespace https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzwzmqEWk5a-U1NsMF9uRFdhSklyXzRneFo0RGY0YWRiWnIw // @version 0.9.0 // @description Tools: Naugthy Bot script download link and start link, markets exchange infos, bet calculator, chat command, rain alert and option in account tab for 999dice chatroom. use chrome with tampermonkey // @author NaughtySanta and re-edit some script by Landak // @match https://www.999dice.com/ // @match https://www.999doge.com/ // @include https://www.999doge.com/ // @include https://www.999dice.com/ // @grant none // ==/UserScript== var repeat = 1, d, Player, t, result, Search, el1 = document.getElementById("ChatTab"), el2 = document.getElementById("ChatTabOtherRooms"); function collectRef() { var el = document.getElementById('EarnTabReferralsTable').children[1]; var ar = []; var i, id, name; for (i = 0; i < el.children.length; i++) { var el1 = el.children[i]; id = el1.children[0].innerHTML; name = el1.children[1].innerHTML; if (id !== "") { ar.push([id, name]); } } return ar; } function collectRefId() { var el = document.getElementById('EarnTabReferralsTable').children[1]; var ar = []; var i, id; for (i = 0; i < el.children.length; i++) { var el1 = el.children[i]; id = el1.children[0].innerHTML; if (id !== "") { ar.push(id); } } return ar; } function collectRefFull() { var el = document.getElementById('EarnTabReferralsTable').children[1]; var ar = []; var arT = []; var arId = []; var i, id; for (i = 0; i < el.children.length; i++) { var el1 = el.children[i]; id = el1.children[0].innerHTML; if (id !== "") { arId.push(id); arT = [id, el1.children[1].innerHTML]; ar.push([arT[0], arT[1], el1.children[2].innerHTML, el1.children[3].innerHTML]); } else { ar.push([arT[0], arT[1], el1.children[2].innerHTML, el1.children[3].innerHTML]); } } return ar; } function soundz() { rainalert.play(); } function testSound() { rainalert.volume = Number((document.getElementById("SoundVolume").value / 100).toFixed(2)); soundz(); } function ActiveChat() { ClickId("MinBetButton"); document.getElementById("AutoBetSizeInput").value = "0.00000001"; document.getElementById("ChatTabChatContainer").style.width = "98%"; var e = window.document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); e.initMouseEvent("click", !0, !0, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null); 5E3 < document.getElementsByClassName("BetsTable")[0].children[1].innerHTML.length && (document.getElementById("ContentTabsContainer").children[2].dispatchEvent(e), clearInterval(ChatVar)); } function ChronoTimer() { var e = new Date - d, e = Math.floor(e / 1E3), c = e % 60, e = Math.floor((e - c) / 60), f = e % 60, e = Math.floor((e - f) / 60), e = e % 24; if (e < 10){ e = "0" + e; } if (f < 10){ f = "0" + f; } if (c < 10){ c = "0" + c; } d ? document.getElementById("RainTimer").innerText = "" + e + ":" + f + ":" + c + "" : document.getElementById("RainTimer").innerText = "No Data Yet!"; } function ClickSend() { var e = window.document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); e.initMouseEvent("click", !0, !0, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null); document.getElementById("ChatTabSendButton").dispatchEvent(e); } function ClickId(e) { var c = window.document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); c.initMouseEvent("click", !0, !0, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, !1, !1, !1, !1, 0, null); document.getElementById(e).dispatchEvent(c); } function RainWarning() { !0 === NotifEnable && (document.getElementById("ChatTabText").value = NotifMessage, ClickSend()); } function RainUpdate() { document.getElementById("ChatTabText").value = "Last Rain Data: " + d.getTime(); ClickSend(); } function RainUp() { var e = document.getElementById("DateM").value; "" !== e && (d = new Date(Number(e))); } function BigRain() { if (8 < document.getElementById("ChatTab").children[2].children.length || -1 !== document.getElementById("ChatTab").children[2].innerHTML.search(/btc|ltc|dog/i)) { luckyrain.play(), console.log("The BIG LUCKY RAIN is here!!! Ho ho ho"); } } function ShowBalance() { document.getElementById("ChatTabText").value = "/balance"; ClickSend(); } function ShowAddy() { document.getElementById("ChatTabText").value = "/deposit"; ClickSend(); } function ShowClear() { document.getElementById("ChatTabText").value = "/clear"; ClickSend(); } function ShowHelp() { document.getElementById("ChatTabText").value = "/help"; ClickSend(); } function ShowRules() { document.getElementById("ChatTabText").value = "/Rules"; ClickSend(); } function ShowRainTimer() { document.getElementById("ChatTabText").value = document.getElementById("RainTimer").innerText; ClickSend(); } function ShowStats() { var e; e = 1 == document.getElementById("DisplayCurrencies").children[0].classList.length ? "Btc" : 1 == document.getElementById("DisplayCurrencies").children[1].classList.length ? "Doge" : "Ltc"; document.getElementById("ChatTabText").value = e + " Stats: Bets " + document.getElementById("StatsUserBetCount").innerHTML + " | Wagered " + document.getElementById("StatsUserBetPayIn").innerHTML + " | Profit " + document.getElementById("StatsUserBetProfit").innerHTML; ClickSend(); } function showE() { showTools('Empty'); var e = document.getElementById("ChatTabChatContainer"), c = document.getElementById("EPanel"); document.getElementById("TPanel").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("GPanel").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("BtnPanel").style.display = "none"; "98%" === e.style.width && (e.style.width = "68%", c.style.display = "inline-block"); } function showT() { showTools('Empty'); var e = document.getElementById("ChatTabChatContainer"); document.getElementById("EPanel").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("BtnPanel").style.display = "none"; var c = document.getElementById("TPanel"); document.getElementById("GPanel").style.display = "none"; "98%" === e.style.width && (e.style.width = "68%", c.style.display = "inline-block"); } function showG() { showTools('Empty'); var e = document.getElementById("ChatTabChatContainer"); document.getElementById("EPanel").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("TPanel").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("BtnPanel").style.display = "none"; var c = document.getElementById("GPanel"); "98%" === e.style.width && (e.style.width = "58%", c.style.display = "inline-block"); } function showBtn() { showTools('Empty'); var e = document.getElementById("ChatTabChatContainer"); document.getElementById("EPanel").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("TPanel").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("GPanel").style.display = "none"; var c = document.getElementById("BtnPanel"); "98%" === e.style.width && (e.style.width = "68%", c.style.display = "inline-block"); } function showTools(e) { "Market" === e && showE(); "AutoClicker" === e && showT(); "Generator" === e && showG(); "Button" === e && showBtn(); "Empty" === e && (document.getElementById("ChatTabChatContainer").style.width = "98%", document.getElementById("EPanel").style.display = "none", document.getElementById("TPanel").style.display = "none", document.getElementById("GPanel").style.display = "none", document.getElementById("BtnPanel").style.display = "none"); scrollDown(); } function SendCommand(e) { "Stats" === e && ShowStats(); } function scrollDown() { var e = document.getElementById("ChatTabChatContainer"); e.scrollTop = e.scrollHeight; } function SaveData() { localStorage.setItem("DataDice", d); } function LoadData() { var e = localStorage.getItem("DataDice"); d = new Date(e); } function setOption() { rainalert.src = elO1.value; rainalert.volume = Number(elO2.value) / 100; NotifEnable = elO3.checked; NotifMessage = elO4.value; } function SaveO() { localStorage.setItem("SoundU", elO1.value); localStorage.setItem("SoundV", elO2.value); localStorage.setItem("NotifR", elO3.checked); localStorage.setItem("NotifM", elO4.value); localStorage.setItem("FavMarket", elO5.value); loadO(); } function loadO() { elO1.value = localStorage.getItem("SoundU"); elO2.value = localStorage.getItem("SoundV"); "true" === localStorage.getItem("NotifR") ? elO3.checked = !0 : elO3.checked = !1; elO4.value = localStorage.getItem("NotifM"); elO5.value = localStorage.getItem("FavMarket"); setOption(); upFavMarket(); } function onLoad() { localStorage.SoundV ? loadO() : SaveO(); } function NewReq(e, c, f, g, l, h, m) { var n = new XMLHttpRequest, p; document.getElementById("BalanceActionBoxTab"); n.open("GET", g, !0); n.send(); n.onreadystatechange = function () { 4 === n.readyState && 200 === n.status && (p = JSON.parse(n.responseText), document.getElementById(e).innerHTML = p.ticker.markets[f].market + "|" + Number(p.ticker.markets[f].price * l).toFixed(m) + " " + h); }; } function NewStartReq(e) { var c = document.getElementById("BtcExchange").value, f = document.getElementById("BtcMarket").value, g, l = 1, h = "Idr"; "btc_idr" !== f ? (g = "https://www.cryptonator.com/api/full/" + f, "btc-xpf" === f && (l = 119.332, h = " F Cfp"), h = "usd" === f.split("-")[1] ? " $" : " \u20ac") : g = "https://vip.bitcoin.co.id/api/" + f + "/ticker"; NewStopReq(); ExMark = window.setInterval(function () { NewReq("BtcPrice", f, c, g, l, h); NewReq("LtcPrice", "ltc-btc", c, g, l, ""); NewReq("DogePrice", "doge-btc", c, g, l, ""); }, 1E3 * e); } function cryptoRequest(e) { var c = new XMLHttpRequest, f, g = document.getElementById("CryptoMarket"), l = document.getElementById("CalcA").value; l.match(/bal/i) && (l = Number(document.getElementById("BalanceActionBoxTab").children[1].children[0].innerText)); var h = 0; if ("btc-xpf" === e) { c.open("GET", "https://www.cryptonator.com/api/full/btc-eur", !0), c.send(), c.onreadystatechange = function () { if (4 === c.readyState && 200 === c.status) { f = JSON.parse(c.responseText); g.innerHTML = "0 |Cryptonator |" + Number((119.332 * f.ticker.price).toFixed(0)).toLocaleString() + " |" + Number((f.ticker.price * l * 119.332).toFixed(0)).toLocaleString() + " F CFP
"; for (i = 0; i < f.ticker.markets.length; i++) { g.innerHTML += i + 1 + " |" + f.ticker.markets[i].market + " |" + Number((119.332 * f.ticker.markets[i].price).toFixed(0)).toLocaleString() + " |" + Number((f.ticker.markets[i].price * l * 119.332).toFixed(0)).toLocaleString() + " F CFP
", h += Number(f.ticker.markets[i].price); } h = (Number(h) / Number(f.ticker.markets.length) * 119.332).toFixed(0); g.innerHTML = 'Average: ' + Number(h).toLocaleString() + " |" + Number((h * l).toFixed(0)).toLocaleString() + " F CFP
" + g.innerHTML; } }; } else { if ("btc-idr" === e) { c.open("GET", "https://vip.bitcoin.co.id/api/btc_idr/ticker", !0), c.send(), c.onreadystatechange = function () { 4 === c.readyState && 200 === c.status && (f = JSON.parse(c.responseText), g.innerHTML = "Bitcoin.co.id |" + Number(f.ticker.buy).toLocaleString("id-ID", { style: "currency", currency: "IDR" }) + " |" + Number(f.ticker.buy * l).toLocaleString("id-ID", { style: "currency", currency: "IDR" }) + "
"); }; } else { if (e.match(/eur/i) || e.match(/usd/i)) { var m = e.match(/eur/i) ? ["fr-FR", "EUR"] : ["us-US", "USD"]; e.match(/doge/i) && (l = "1000", document.getElementById("CalcA").value = "1000"); c.open("GET", "https://www.cryptonator.com/api/full/" + e, !0); c.send(); c.onreadystatechange = function () { if (4 === c.readyState && 200 === c.status) { f = JSON.parse(c.responseText); g.innerHTML = "0 |Cryptonator |" + Number(f.ticker.price).toLocaleString(m[0], { style: "currency", currency: m[1] }) + " |" + Number(f.ticker.price * l).toLocaleString(m[0], { style: "currency", currency: m[1] }) + "
"; for (i = 0; i < f.ticker.markets.length; i++) { g.innerHTML += i + 1 + " |" + f.ticker.markets[i].market + " |" + Number(f.ticker.markets[i].price).toLocaleString(m[0], { style: "currency", currency: m[1] }) + " |" + Number(f.ticker.markets[i].price * l).toLocaleString(m[0], { style: "currency", currency: m[1] }) + "
", h += Number(f.ticker.markets[i].price); } h = (Number(h) / Number(f.ticker.markets.length)).toFixed(8); g.innerHTML = 'Average: ' + Number(h).toLocaleString(m[0], { style: "currency", currency: m[1] }) + " |" + Number(h * l).toLocaleString(m[0], { style: "currency", currency: m[1] }) + "
" + g.innerHTML; } }; } else { c.open("GET", "https://www.cryptonator.com/api/full/" + e, !0), c.send(), c.onreadystatechange = function () { if (4 === c.readyState && 200 === c.status) { f = JSON.parse(c.responseText); g.innerHTML = "0 |Cryptonator |" + Number(f.ticker.price).toFixed(8).toLocaleString() + " |" + (f.ticker.price * l).toFixed(8).toLocaleString() + "
"; for (i = 0; i < f.ticker.markets.length; i++) { g.innerHTML += i + 1 + " |" + f.ticker.markets[i].market + " |" + Number(f.ticker.markets[i].price).toFixed(8).toLocaleString() + " |" + (f.ticker.markets[i].price * l).toFixed(8).toLocaleString() + "
", h += Number(f.ticker.markets[i].price); } h = (Number(h) / Number(f.ticker.markets.length)).toFixed(8); g.innerHTML = 'Average: ' + Number(h).toLocaleString() + " |" + (h * l).toFixed(8).toLocaleString() + "
" + g.innerHTML; } }; } } } } function favMarket(e, id, txtS, txtE) { var c = new XMLHttpRequest; var el = document.getElementById(id); var txt; var x = 1, d = 8; if (e !== 'IDR') { c.open("GET", "https://www.cryptonator.com/api/ticker/" + e, !0), c.send(), c.onreadystatechange = function () { if (4 === c.readyState && 200 === c.status) { f = JSON.parse(c.responseText); if (elO5.value == 'XPF,Fcp' && e == 'btc-eur') { x = 119.332; d = 0; txtE = ' Fcp' } else if (e.search(/usd|eur/i) > -1) { d = 2; } else { x = 1; d = 8; } el.innerHTML = txtS + (Number(f.ticker.price) * x).toFixed(d) + txtE; } }; } else { c.open("GET", "https://vip.bitcoin.co.id/api/btc_idr/ticker", true); c.send(); c.onreadystatechange = function () { if (c.readyState === 4 && c.status === 200) { f = JSON.parse(c.responseText); el.innerHTML = "฿TC » " + Number(f.ticker.buy).toLocaleString('id-ID', { style: 'currency', currency: 'IDR' }); } }; } } function stopRequest() { clearInterval(priceUp); } function startRequest(e) { e.match(/empty/i) ? (document.getElementById("CryptoMarket").innerHTML = "", stopRequest()) : (stopRequest(), priceUp = window.setInterval(function () { cryptoRequest(e); }, 3E4), cryptoRequest(e)); } function calcAmount(e) { e = document.getElementById("MarketPrice").value; "Empty" !== e && cryptoRequest(e); } function InjectorType(e, c) { "BetSize" === c ? (document.getElementById("BetSizeVar").value = e, document.getElementById("XVar").value = 1) : "Multi" === c ? document.getElementById("BetXVar").value = e : "MaxBet" === c && console.log("Error MaxBet Stop Injection\nOnly Available For Automatic"); } function Generate() { BetCalc((1E8 * document.getElementById("BetSizeInput").value).toFixed(8), document.getElementById("GenIncrease").value, document.getElementById("GenStreak").value, document.getElementById("GenStop").value, document.getElementById("InjectorChoice").value); } function BetCalc(e, c, f, g, l) { var h = Number(e), m = 0, n = 0, p = "", r = 0, q = document.getElementById("BetChanceInput").value, q = 99.9 / q - 1; document.getElementById("GenResults").innerHTML = ""; if (document.getElementById("BetSizeInput").value.match(/fib/i)) { for (a = 0, b = 1, k = 0; k < f; a = b, b = x, k++) { x = a + b, n += x, p += x + ",", GenResults(k + 1, x, n, 0); } } else { for (e = 1; e <= f; e++) { if (m++, r = (Math.floor(q * h - n) / xC).toFixed(8), n += h, p += Math.round(h) + ",", GenResults(m, (Math.round(h) / xC).toFixed(8), (n / xC).toFixed(8), r), h = Math.floor(h * (c / 100 + 1)), 0 < g && h > g) { return InjectorType(p.slice(0, p.length - 1), l), "Last Streak Reached"; } } } InjectorType(p.slice(0, p.length - 1), l); } function GenResults(e, c, f, g) { var l = document.getElementById("GenResults"); e = '
\n' + e + '\n' + c + '\n' + f + '\n' + g + "\n
"; 0 === document.getElementById("GenResults").children.length ? l.innerHTML = e : l.innerHTML = e + "\n" + document.getElementById("GenResults").innerHTML; } function betVal(b, w) { elBs.value = b; elWin.value = w; } function BtnMulti(x) { elBs.value *= x; } function CreateChatButton(e, c, f, g, l) { var h = document.createElement("input"); h.type = e; h.id = c; h.className = f; h.value = g; l.appendChild(h); } function CreateNewInput(e, c, f) { var g = document.createElement("input"); g.type = "text"; g.id = e; g.maxlength = "20"; g.className = "StandardTextBox"; g.value = c; f.appendChild(g); } function CreateObject(e, c, f, g) { e = document.createElement(e); e.id = c; e.innerText = f; g.appendChild(e); } function CreateObject2(e, c, f, g, l) { e = document.createElement(e); e.id = c; e.innerText = f; g.insertBefore(e, l); } function CreateObjectBefore(e, c, f, g, l, h) { e = document.createElement(e); e.setAttribute("class", c); e.id = f; e.innerText = g; l.insertBefore(e, h); } function setB() { //CreateObject("div", "DivInChat", "", el1.children[0]); //CreateObject("span", "RainTimer","No Rain Data!", document.getElementById("ChatTabText").el2); CreateObject("span", "RainTimer", "No Rain Data!", el2); //CreateObject("span", "RainTimer", "No Rain Data!", el2, document.getElementById("ChatTab")); //CreateObject("select", "ActionSelect", "", el1.children[1]); CreateChatButton("button", "BalanceButton", "TextButton", "Balance", el1.children[1]); //CreateChatButton("button", "BalanceButton", "TextButton", "Balance", el2); CreateChatButton("button", "StatsButton", "TextButton", "Stats", el1.children[1]); //CreateChatButton("button", "AddyButton", "TextButton", "Addy", el2); CreateObject("select", "ToolsSelect", "", el2); document.getElementById("RainTimer").setAttribute("style", "position: relative; zoom: 112%; float: left; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline; display: inline-block; margin-left: auto; color: #810541;") //document.getElementById("RainTimer").setAttribute("style", "position: absolute; left: 1px; top: 1px; background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.8); border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; display: block;"); //document.getElementById("RainTimer").setAttribute("style", "float: right; margin-right: 0px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; font-size: 120%; color: black;"); //document.getElementById("RainTimer").setAttribute("onclick", "ShowRainTimer();"); document.getElementById("RainTimer").setAttribute("onclick", "d = new Date - (document.getElementsByClassName('LastRain')[0].innerHTML.split(' ')[0] * 60000);"); //document.getElementById("ActionSelect").innerHTML = ''; //document.getElementById("ActionSelect").setAttribute("onchange", "SendCommand(this.value)"); //document.getElementById("ActionSelect").setAttribute("style", "margin-left: 5px; color: white; background-color: black;"); //document.getElementById("ToolsSelect").innerHTML = ''; //document.getElementById("ToolsSelect").setAttribute("onchange", "showTools(this.value)"); //document.getElementById("ToolsSelect").setAttribute("style", "float: right; margin-right: 10px; color: white; background-color: black;"); document.getElementById("ToolsSelect").innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById("ToolsSelect").setAttribute("onchange", "showTools(this.value)"); document.getElementById("ToolsSelect").setAttribute("style", "float: center; margin-right: 2px; color: blue; background-color: black;"); document.getElementById("BalanceButton").setAttribute("onclick", "ShowBalance();"); document.getElementById("BalanceButton").setAttribute("style", "float: right; margin-right: auto; text-decoration: line-through; color: #6AFB92;"); document.getElementById("StatsButton").setAttribute("onclick", "ShowStats()"); document.getElementById("StatsButton").setAttribute("style", "float: right; margin-right: auto; color: yellow;"); //document.getElementById("AddyButton").setAttribute("onclick", "ShowAddy()"); //document.getElementById("AddyButton").setAttribute("style", "float: right; margin-right: 10px;"); //CreateObject("div", "SantaBtn", "", document.getElementById('ActionBoxContainer').children[0].children[1]); 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document.getElementById("ChatTabChatContainer").setAttribute("style", "display: block"); document.getElementById("oPanel").setAttribute("style", "position: relative; margin-top: 20px; width: 400px; height: 530px; top: 0px; right: 0px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.1); border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; display: block"); var e; e = '

Script Settings

Sound Settings


'; e += ''; e += "
"; e += '


'; e += ''; e += ''; e += "
"; e += '

Rain Notification

'; e += '


'; e += ''; e += ''; e += "
"; e += "
"; e += '

Rain Date Update

'; e += '


'; e += ''; e += "
"; e += '

Favorite Market Choice

'; e += '


'; e += '"; var c = document.getElementById("oPanel"); c.innerHTML = e; CreateChatButton("button", "SaveSet", "TextButton", "SaveSet", c); CreateChatButton("button", "RainUpdate", "TextButton", "RainUpdate", c); c = document.getElementById("SaveSet"); c.setAttribute("onclick", "SaveO();"); c.setAttribute("style", "position: absolute; right: 20px; bottom: 20px;"); c = document.getElementById("RainUpdate"); c.setAttribute("onclick", "RainUp();"); c.setAttribute("style", "position: absolute; left: 20px; bottom: 20px;"); } function setE() { CreateObject("div", "EPanel", "", el1.children[0]); var e = document.getElementById("EPanel"); e.setAttribute("style", "position: relative; width: 560px; height: 300px; background-color: black; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; display: none; overflow: hidden;"); var c; c = '

Market Exchange Infos

'; c += '"; c += 'Amount:'; c += ''; c += "
"; c += '
'; e.innerHTML = c; } function setT() { CreateObject("div", "TPanel", "", el1.children[0]); var e = document.getElementById("TPanel"); e.setAttribute("style", "position: relative; width: 450px; height: 300px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; display: none; overflow: hidden;"); var c; c = '

New Bot link

New Standalone Bot has been launched on 1st december 2015'; c = 'Current files 12th dec 2015'; c += "

"; c += 'Bot files link'; c += "

" c += 'Alternative files link;

'; c += 'Please read the help section on the bot before asking some help. Until help must be rewrite for auto.'; e.innerHTML = c; e = document.head.children[8]; c = e.innerHTML; c += ".Link{position: absolute; width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 160%}"; c += ".ScriptInf{position: relative;margin-left: 10px; margin-right: 10px; word-break: break-all; text-align: left; font-size: 120%}"; e.innerHTML += c; } function setG() { CreateObject("div", "GPanel", "", el1.children[0]); var e = document.getElementById("GPanel"); e.setAttribute("style", "position: relative; width: 560px; height: 300px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; display: none; overflow: hidden;"); var c; c = '

Bet Generator

Increase %:'; c += 'Streak:'; c += ''; c += "

"; c += 'Stop:'; c += ''; c += 'RepeatBet:'; c += ''; c += "

"; c += 'Injector: '; c += '"; c += ''; c += "

"; c += '
'; c += 'N'; c += 'BetSize'; c += 'Balance'; c += 'Profit'; c += "
"; c += '
'; c += "
"; e.innerHTML = c; } function setBtn() { CreateObject("div", "BtnPanel", "", el1.children[0]); var e = document.getElementById("BtnPanel"); e.setAttribute('style', 'display: none; border: solid; width: 300px'); var c = '

Button Creator

'; c += 'Button Class'; c += '"; c += '
'; c += 'Name:'; c += ''; c += '
'; c += 'Bet Size:'; c += ''; c += '
'; c += 'Win%:'; c += ''; c += '
'; c += 'Multiply by:'; c += ''; c += '
'; c += 'Divide by:'; c += ''; c += '
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