Following a security situation assessment held by the IDF Chief of Staff, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) announced that the Gilboa (Jalama) and Salem crossings will be closed for the passage of goods starting Thursday and until further notice. This is in addition to the closing the crossing for the exit of workers and the entry of Israeli Arabs. The move follows the nabbing of the body of 17-year-old Druze teen Tiran Fero by armed terrorists in Jenin on Tuesday night. The Minister of Defense approved the recommendation of the security officials on Wednesday evening. “The defense establishment demands that the Palestinian Authority return the body of the Israeli youth to his family in Israel,” COGAT said in a statement. Fero, a 12th grade student from the Druze town of Daliyat el-Karmel, southeast of Haifa, was seriously injured in a car accident in the Jenin area on Tuesday and was evacuated by the Red Crescent to a hospital in the city, where he was pronounced dead. When it became known that he was an Israeli citizen, terrorists took his body and are now holding it. The Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades announced that the body was in their possession and that they had taken it from the hospital. As proof, they presented a photocopy of his identity card. Israel is striving to end the incident on the diplomatic level - and this is also the message that has been conveyed to the Palestinian Authority, Channel 13 News reported on Wednesday. At the same time, together with the diplomatic message, a clarification was also conveyed to the PA that if the matter is not resolved in this manner, the defense establishment is prepared to return the body by military means that will exact a price from the PA. According to the report, Qatar, which has no official relations with the State of Israel, is also involved in the diplomatic effort to recover the body. Along with the Qataris, the UN envoy to the Middle East and the US administration, which also conveyed messages to the PA, are also working on the issue. In addition to assistance from the international community, there is also a direct dialogue between Israel and the Palestinian Authority, which is led by Major General Ghasan Alyan, the head of COGAT. Meanwhile, a group of young people from the Druze community demonstrated on Highway 6 on Wednesday evening. The protesters blocked the Elyakim Interchange and demanded the return of Fero’s body.