Jews, the first and eighth day of their feasts, etc., [Lev.xxiii,] and third, the Sabbath of the land, the seventh years. [Lev.xxv.] As the Sabbath of the Lord had a real existence before "the law of commandments contained in ordinances" was appended, therefore, when that law was nailed to the cross, the Sabbath remained in full force. Not so with the Sabbaths of the Jews, and the Sabbath of the land. That law give them their only force; and when that ceased they were abolished. The most precious blessings are promised to those who keep God's Sabbath. See Isa.lvi and lviii. And it is worthy of note, that this prophecy pertains to a period when God's salvation is near to be revealed. The blessing is promised to "the son of the stranger," (the Gentile,) as well as to Israel. Mark the distinction between God's Sabbath, and those of the Jews, as presented in the prophets. Of the perpetuity of the first, let us judge after reading Isa.1xvi, where we are informed of its existence in the new earth. But God assures us by the prophet, that the latter shall "cease." See Hosea ii,11. The fulfillment of this prophecy may be read in Col.ii. Please compare Isa.lvi,4, Ex.xx, 10, with Hosea ii, and Lev.xxiii, and note the language, "any Sabbaths," and "her Sabbaths." Though the scriptures nowhere teach or authorize a change of the Sabbath, yet they contain an accurate prophecy of the power that should do this thing. Let the reader compare Dan.vii,25 with the history of the Papal Church, and note its acts of changing "times and laws." We have seen the grand law of the Sabbath embodied in the 5 Dialogue. We come now to the New Testament. That our Lord did not destroy the law, or lessen our obligation to obey it, he clearly teaches in Matt.5,17-19. And we may with the utmost safety affirm "that the apostles did not disturb, what their Lord left untouched." See Rom.iii,31; James ii. We say, therefore, that the New Testament teaches the perpetuity of God's law, and FOR THAT REASON DOES NOT RE-ENACT IT. Brevity forbids a more lengthy notice of this important point. Our Lord came to "magnify the law and make it honorable." He kept his Father's commandments; but he brushed aside the traditions of men by which they were made void. "The Sabbath," says he, "was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath." By which he rebuked the pharisaic observance of the Sabbath on one hand; and the views of those on the other who teach that the Lord's Sabbath is one of the things against us, which were taken out of the way at Christ's death. [Col.ii.] The fact that those who had been with Jesus during his ministry "rested the Sabbath day according to the commandment," after his crucifixion, and resumed labor on the first day of the week, shows clearly that they knew nothing of its change from the seventh to the first day. The fact that God has never sanctified the first day of the week, shows plainly that it is not sacred time - is not a divinely instituted Sabbath. The fact that he has never required us to rest on that day, shows that its observance in the place of the Sabbath, is a clear instance of making void the