It all started in 2012. I went for service year and during my service year, I started having strange attacks in the dream. I would find myself eating in the dream and constantly being pressed down in my sleep. I started marathon fasting and prayers. It didn't abate but that didn't stop me from praying continually. In all of these,I would call my mum and explain everything to her cos she was my friend and confidante as I lost my dad when I was just 11. She would encourage me and tell me she was praying for me. The situation became worse, I started having strange heaviness in the head,blurred vision and movements all over my body and forehead. I went for series of tests in a renowned private hospital and even government hospital and I was certified okay. On the eve of my POP,at night, I heard the loud cry of a bird. It disturbed me greatly but I had to take my mind off it. After the POP, I didn't go back home instead I came to stay with my uncle and look for greenee pastures. Even while with my uncle in a new location, the bird still continued crying every night. This time I told my uncle about the constant bird cry at night but he waved it off. Note that my uncle and I attend the same church. The type that is like Deeper Life. The nightmares also intensified and I kept praying. In the dream,I would see myself back home with my siblings and mum and in each of these dreams I would always request for food to eat or food would be presented to me by my mum and I would eat to my fill. I wrote it off as someone using my mum's face to attack me and still continued playing. I would still call her and she would tell me she was praying for me that I shouldn't fear. However I'll work it noticed a pattern to the attacks both in my dreams should and in my bodywork. I felt worse each time I called her. When I couldn't bear it anymore,I started avoiding her calls neither did I call her. I confided in an elderly daddy on the church and he started praying with me. I had a job as a sales girl and I made sure I sent her a monthly stipend. But I was slowly withdrawing from her. I later got married and the same bird cry also followed me to my husband's house. Each time I tell my husband, he would tell me to forget about it and go to sleep. My mum came to visit us when I was pregnant and I noticed that after she laid her hands on my belly to pray for me. From then on even after I gave birth something was always moving on my stomach. The dreams had become terrible, each time I would be beaten in the dream, brutally raped, ceaselessly pursued by unknown people in the dream,falling from great heights e.t.c In all of these,I was still praying and getting others involved to pray for me. When I gave birth and she came visiting,that was the climax of my woes. I had to run to Mountain of Fire for deliverance, when I came back from the one week deliverance, I almost passed on and She advised me to stop going for deliverance but to keep believing God that I would soon be free but the reverse was the case. After she left, my husband was carrying me from church to church and each place I would be told I was under the captivity of strong darkness. At a point,I just knew I was about to die. I made my last wishes known to my husband and was waiting for death. As a last resort, I visited one church and did three days prayer there. My mum called to ask where I was. I never told her about going to churches cos I knew she would disapprove. She sounded troubled but I didn't divulge where I was. Barely a month in praying there,she had a terrible accident and couldn't walk with her legs for months. Hers happened in a busy market place. My uncle's followed suit. He was driving and his car had a fault as he came down to check the problem a bike just hit him from behind. He broke his head and was unconscious for long. Before I knew it she called me and advised I should stop visiting churches that God would deliver me. Three months later with serious prayers, the strange bird stopped crying at night. But I noticed each time she calls me and I speak with her,the strange bird returns at night. I have stopped calling her neither do I pick her calls. My question is how long will I continue avoiding my own mum. I don't send her money anymore cos for now I'm still at home without a job. She suffered to train me and get me to where I am today. I don't want to continue avoiding her neither do I want to be oppressed. I AM STUCK. HELP!!!