Pubg xbox analog movement => If that happens, check our help Twitter or this post for info. The newest update on the much-anticipated Sanhok map is that it should be coming in the next 6 weeks. This has been a problem for some time, and we hope to solve it soon. These will be distributed sometime after the test closes. If all goes well with the first phase of the test, we can expand the test dates, time windows, and servers to include more regions. Although, loading all resources within that radius is negatively impacting performance. Kill feed now displays personal knock-outs. The heavier the vehicle, the greater the damage inflicted upon the player. Loading Files have been repackaged to load more efficiently. Movement data for nearby but out-of-sight players is now handled in a more efficient manner, resulting in general performance improvements. The patch builds upon the , which brought an analog movement system to the developing game. Maintenance will take about 30 minutes. In-game lobby Everyone will receive 20 apples in the in-game lobby which can be thrown around freely. The resolution and texture quality will remain the same. Outgame Lobby loading screen is now more clean. During our first test period we accepted bug reports through our forums, now that the bug bounty is online, if you want to potentially qualify for the reward, you need to re-submit your bug report via the link below. As can be seen in the video below, the new update makes a massive difference in player movement. This post may contain affiliate links. PUBG Xbox One update: Patch Notes revealed today as Sanhok release date gets closer - Leaderboard display method has been modified, allowing users below certain ranks to see their ranks in percentage. Starting with absolutely no gear, players must fight to locate weapons and supplies in a flight to be the only one alive. Updated July 31, 2018: It seems that the promised changes are being split into numerous patches. Today, the developer only released analog movement alongside performance and stability tweaks. You can read the entire on the game's forums. Even after nine months, the game still suffers from numerous bugs on. You can read about the major ones below. Analog movement has to be the biggest addition because it gives players more control over their character and results in smoother animations. It seems like this should've been part of the Xbox One port from the beginning. The current movement system resembles playing with a keyboard, where the pubg xbox analog movement is only able to move in eight directions. With analog movement, players will be able to move freely in 360 degrees with the left thumbstick on the Xbox One controller. Hopefully the next patch will also bring frame rate improvements for Xbox Pubg xbox analog movement owners. It's been months and performance is still rocky. The performance fixes need to come out before it's too late. This post may contain affiliate links. See our for more details.