Download Jefferson davis biography summary example >> varina anne davis varina davis margaret howell davis what does jefferson davis mean sarah knox taylor jefferson davis personality jefferson davis death jefferson davis quotes 27 Apr 2017 Synopsis. Jefferson Davis was born in Christian County, Kentucky, on June 3, 1808. After a distinguished military career, Davis served as a 6 Dec 2012 History In An Hour offers a summary of his life. The youngest of ten children, Jefferson Davis was born 3 June 1808 in a Kentuckian log cabin. Jefferson Davis was born in a log cabin on June 3, 1808 in Kentucky. When he was two years old his family moved to Mississippi. When Lincoln did not turn over Fort Sumter to the Confederacy,Davis authorized the Confederate army to attack, marking the start of the Civil War. Jefferson Davis summary: Jefferson Davis was one of ten children born to his .. back of page one, and that the inked writing had seeped through the thin paper. Jefferson Davis was an American politician who served as the President of the Confederate . For several years following Sarah's death, Davis was reclusive and honored her She provided him with a cabin for his own use and helped him with his writing through organization, dictation, editing, and encouragement. Jefferson Davis led a secluded life for the next eight years on his cotton plantation at Davis Bend, Mississippi. A slaveholder, Davis firmly believed in the This is a biography for kids on Jefferson Davis After writing several books about the Confederacy, Davis died in New Orleans, Louisiana, at the age of 81 in Jefferson Davis facts: Jefferson Davis (1808-1889) was president of the Confederate States of America during the Civil War. His honesty, character, and devotion Get information, facts, and pictures about Jefferson Davis at Make research projects and school reports about Jefferson Davis easy with Find out more about the history of Jefferson Davis, including videos, interesting articles, pictures, historical features and more. Get all the facts on,,,,