1. Buy concentrated lemonade mix, then go to your local laundromat The kind that are left un-watched. Wait for some unsuspecting victim to leave there clothes there, someone always does(usualy to get a pack of somkes or something.) After they have left; open up the detergent drawer on there washer and pour in the lemonade. Wait for theyre return and try not to act Suspicious(it helps if you have a load of your own going) and watch the horror on there faces as they pull out they're disfigured clothing. 2. Pick Up Some Chap Stick(lightly Colored), and begin coating things such as Phone Handles, door knobs, bike handles, Railings, basically anthing you can find that a person would touch. Then sit back and watch the disgusted reactions as the people who touch the Spot realize they have Goo on there hands(if your lucky the Coating on a railing will catch someone of guard and they will fall) 3. Pick up some used clothes from a thrift store and 5 pounds worth of newspaper and make a (beliveble)human likeness. Take this dummy to the nearest overpass and throw it over as a cars just about to pass( make sure the dummy hits the car)Most likely the people inside the vehicle will freak out and think they just hit a person. Watch the Chaos but don't let them see you. 5. Call a neighbor at 3:00am When they answer say: "hello" then say "Who's this?" They'll tell you who they are,and then you say something like "so what do you want" they'll most definatly say "what do you mean...you called me" so in a loud tone say "its to early in the morining for this shit.(try calling back half an hour later and pull the same routine but instead of hanging up, threaten to call the cops.) 6. go to the store get a standard ratchet set. go to your local school and Loosin as many bolts and nuts of as many bike handle bars as you can befor the bell rings. Now turn back and watch the fun happen as you walk home 7. Find your local retard and pay him 2 bucks to try to rape a football WOW, now thats fun 8. Call People out of the phone book at random and pretend to represent Aol or some other company(now some people will just hangup but there are those that will go along)Ask Them some questions that the company you are posing as might ask...then slowly begin to ask more odd\off topic questions like there hair color, or weight, or if there wearing any pants...see how far you can go before they hang up(And the call back fifteen minutes later pretending to be a supervisor and say that your underling was getting laid off that day. and begin the whole process again.) 9. Go to your mall find the highest spot that people are allowed, and begin to shoot pennies and nickels at people (make sure its heavly populated, dont want to be caught by security) 10. Dress as a dog and have your girl friend bring you on a public bus, the object of this is to be a ass to as many people as you can, (even your self) start humping your girl friends lag, dryhump a seat or pole get some one to rub your belly! this always works to get some stares and points