chance1=8.9109 -->11.11X payout chance2=9.8020 -->10.10X payout chance3=14.1400 -->7.77X Payout chance4=17.8378 -->5.55X Payout chance5=29.7297 -->3.33X Payout m1=1.119 --> All multipliers are at 20% More Profit m2=1.132 m3=1.178 m4=1.264 m5=1.515 target=0.10000000 --> Set your Target Profit here betfactor=0.00001 --> "Safest" for 0.001 BTC and 0.1 Eth Bankroll basebet=balance*betfactor --> 1 satoshi basebet for 0.001 BTC and 100 Ethoshis for 0.1 Eth Bankroll nextbet=basebet chance=chance1 bethigh=false betcount=0 session=0 wincount=0 lostchance=0 losecount=0 low=0 high=0 counter=0 resetseed() -- resetstats() function dobet() betroll() rstseed() viewstats() betcount+=1 if win then if profit>target then stop() print("TARGET REACHED!") end hilo() basebet=balance*betfactor if basebet<0.00000001 then basebet=0.00000001 nextbet=basebet end nextbet=basebet wincount+=1 losecount=0 if wincount>0 then chance=chance1 lostchance=1 end if wincount>4 then chance=chance2 lostchance=2 end if wincount>14 then chance=chance3 lostchance=3 end if wincount>29 then chance=chance4 lostchance=4 end if wincount>49 then chance=chance5 lostchance=5 end if wincount>75 then chance=chance1 lostchance=1 wincount=0 session+=1 low=0 high=0 end else nextbet=previousbet*m1 losecount+=1 if lostchance==1 then if chance==chance1 then nextbet=previousbet*m1 else chance=chance1 nextbet=previousbet*m1 end end if lostchance==2 then if chance==chance2 then nextbet=previousbet*m2 else chance=chance1 nextbet=previousbet*m2 end end if lostchance==3 then if chance==chance3 then nextbet=previousbet*m3 else chance=chance1 nextbet=previousbet*m3 end end if lostchance==4 then if chance==chance4 then nextbet=previousbet*m4 else chance=chance1 nextbet=previousbet*m4 end end if lostchance==5 then if chance==chance5 then nextbet=previousbet*m5 else chance=chance1 nextbet=previousbet*m5 end end end end function hilo() if high > low then bethigh=true else bethigh=false end if (high-low) > 15 then bethigh=false end if (low-high)> 15 then bethigh=true end end function betroll() if (lastBet.roll < chance) then low += 1 end if (lastBet.roll > (99.99 - chance)) then high += 1 end end function rstseed() if counter==500 then resetseed() counter=0 low=0 high=0 else counter+=1 end end function viewstats() print(" ") print("Total Bet : "..betcount) print("Current Streak Loss : "..losecount) print("Session Win : "..wincount) print("Total Sessions : "..session) print("Current Profit : "..string.format("%.8f",profit)) print("Target Profit : "..string.format("%.8f",target)) print("Current Balance : "..string.format("%.8f",balance)) print("High :"..high.." / ".."Low :"..low) print(" ") end