simpleSanitize($_GET['user']); $apiKey = $_GET['key']; $getUser = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE Username = '$apiUser'"); $userExist = mysql_num_rows($getUser); /* Include the graphing code, a lot cleaner! */ include 'graph.php'; /* User doesn't exist in the database */ if ($userExist == 0) { $noExist = $error->returnError(1); echo $noExist; die; } /* Get all the users info */ $userInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($getUser); /* See what their API key should be */ $checkAPI = $api->apiKey($apiUser, $userInfo['UserID']); $oldAPI = $api->apiSuperseded($apiUser); /* API is not correct, try the old key */ if ($apiKey != $checkAPI) { if ($apiKey != $oldAPI) { /* API key is still not correct, return an error */ $keyCheck = $error->returnError(2); echo $keyCheck; die; } } /* Just for debugging, nothing important in here */ if (!empty($_GET['debug'])) { echo 'Currently using: ' . $apiKey . '
'; echo 'Old API: ' . $oldAPI . '
'; echo 'New API: ' . $checkAPI . '
'; die; } /* Check for login, with the old key too! */ if (!empty($_GET['login'])) { if ($apiKey == $checkAPI || $apiKey == $oldAPI) { echo 'Correct'; die; } else { echo 'Incorrect'; die; } } /* Getting the views of a file */ if (!empty($_GET['views'])) { $file = $api->simpleSanitize($_GET['views']); $views = $api->getViews($file); echo $views; die; } /* Come here to remove an image */ if (!empty($_GET['remove'])) { $file = $api->simpleSanitize($_GET['remove']); $remove = $api->removeFile($apiUser, $file); echo $remove; die; } /* Adding a new category */ if (!empty($_GET['add']) && !empty($_GET['category'])) { $file = $api->simpleSanitize($_GET['add']); $fileExist = $api->fileExists($file, $apiUser); if ($fileExist) { $cat = $api->simpleSanitize($_GET['category']); $catExist = $api->catExists($cat, $apiUser); if ($catExist) { $sqlMain = mysql_query("UPDATE files SET category = '$cat' WHERE newfilename='$file' AND user='$apiUser'"); echo 'File ' . $file . ' is now in the ' . $cat . ' category.'; die; } else { $catCheck = $error->returnError(3); echo $catCheck; die; } } else { $fileCheck = $error->returnError(4); echo $fileCheck; die; } } if (empty($_FILES)) { $postCheck = $error->returnError(5); echo $postCheck; die; } else { /* Get the time and date */ $theDateTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s'); /* Just the date */ $theDate = date('Y-m-d'); $YearMonthDay = explode("-", $theDate); $theTime = date('H:i:s'); $HourMinuteSecond = explode(":", $theTime); //IP Address $ipAddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; /* The old files name */ $oldFile = basename($_FILES['file']['name']); if (empty($oldFile)) { $oldFile = basename($_FILES['uploaded']['name']); $android = 1; } /* Gets the extension */ $getExt = pathinfo($oldFile); $checkExt = strtolower($getExt['extension']); /* This checks what type of file it is, and provides the correct link (hopefully) */ $l = $api->getLink($checkExt); /* Check if the files extension is okay */ if (!in_array($checkExt, $whiteList)) { $typeCheck = $error->returnError(6); echo $typeCheck; die; } /* Check the size of the file */ $fileSize = $_SERVER['CONTENT_LENGTH']; $sizeKB = $fileSize / 1024; //In KB /* Using MB */ if ($sizeKB > 999) { $sizeKB = $sizeKB / 1024; //mb $sizeType = ' MB'; if ($sizeFinalBlank > 10.0) { $sizeCheck = $error->returnError(7); echo $sizeCheck; die; } } else { $sizeType = ' KB'; } /* Round the file up to 2 decimals */ $sizeFinalBlank = round($sizeKB, 2); $sizeFinal = round($sizeKB, 2) . $sizeType; /* Create the new file name */ $newFile = stripslashes($api->fileName() . "." . $checkExt); /* Check if the file exists, rename it if it does (needs work) */ if (file_exists($newFile)) { $newFile = stripslashes($api->fileName() . "." . $checkExt); } /* Full Upload Path */ $fullUpload = STRE . '/' . $newFile; /* The current time */ $theTimeStamp = time(); /* Is it being uploaded through the app? */ if (!$android) { if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'])) { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $fullUpload)) { //Main SQL $sqlMain = mysql_query("INSERT INTO files (origfilename, newfilename, uploaderip, size, user, timedate, time, date, timestamp) VALUES ('$oldFile', '$newFile', '$ipAddress', '$sizeFinal', '$apiUser', '$theDateTime', '$theTime', '$theDate', '$theTimeStamp')"); mysql_close(); echo "" . $l . "=" . $newFile; } } } else { if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'])) { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], $fullUpload)) { //Main SQL $sqlMain = mysql_query("INSERT INTO files (origfilename, newfilename, uploaderip, size, user, timedate, time, date, timestamp) VALUES ('$oldFile', '$newFile', '$ipAddress', '$sizeFinal', '$apiUser', '$theDateTime', '$theTime', '$theDate', '$theTimeStamp')"); mysql_close(); echo "" . $l . "=" . $newFile; } } } } } class apiFunctions { function apiKey($keyoUser, $keyoID) { $uniqueSalt = sha1('PKoj7YgVBHV)(!!jk?/<'); $keyoHash = sha1($keyoUser . $uniqueSalt . $keyoID); for ($i = 0; $i < 20; $i++) { $keyoHash = sha1($keyoHash); } return sha1($keyoUser . $keyoHash . $uniqueSalt . $keyoID); } function apiSuperseded($apiName) { $hashValue = "sQfYKDTXvOApaFYC"; $apiChecked = sha1($apiName . $hashValue); return $apiChecked; } function fileName($nameLength = 5, $charChoice = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-$_.!(),') { $numChars = strlen($charChoice); $returnFile = ''; for($i = 0; $i < $nameLength; ++$i) { $returnFile .= $charChoice[mt_rand(0, $numChars)]; } return $returnFile; } function fileExists($file, $username) { $getFile = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM files WHERE newfilename = '$file' AND user = '$username'"); $fileExist = mysql_num_rows($getFile); /* File doesn't exist in the database */ if ($fileExist == 0) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } function catExists($cat, $username) { $getCat = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM categories WHERE name = '$cat' AND username = '$username'"); $catExist = mysql_num_rows($getCat); /* Category doesn't exist in the database */ if ($catExist == 0) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } function getLink($ext) { if ($ext == 'jpg' || $ext == 'png' || $ext == 'gif' || $ext == 'jpeg') { return 'i'; } elseif ($ext == 'txt' || $ext == 'md') { return 't'; } elseif ($ext == 'zip' || $ext == 'rar') { return 'c'; } elseif ($ext == 'doc' || $ext == 'xls') { return 'd'; } } function apiRequestsCount($apiUsername, $uploadsPerMin) { $callTime = time(); $timeMinusMin = $callTime - 60; $getmyInfo = mysql_query("SELECT *, COUNT(newfilename) FROM files WHERE user = '$apiUsername' AND timestamp BETWEEN $timeMinusMin AND $callTime"); $myInfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($getmyInfo); $myInfo = $myInfo['COUNT(newfilename)']; if ($myInfo <= $uploadsPerMin) { $apiStatus = 1; } else { $apiStatus = 0; } return $apiStatus; } function upgradeUser($upgradeUser, $userLevel) { $upgradeQuery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE Username = '$upgradeUser'"); $upgradeDetails = mysql_fetch_assoc($upgradeQuery); $userExist = mysql_num_rows($upgradeQuery); if ($userExist == 0) { $upgradeResult = 'The user does not exist'; } else { if ($upgradeDetails['AccountType'] > 1) { $upgradeResult = $upgradeUser . ' is already premium'; } else { $finishUpgrade = mysql_query("UPDATE users SET AccountType='$userLevel' WHERE Username='$upgradeUser'"); $upgradeResult = $upgradeUser . ' has been upgraded'; } } return $upgradeResult; } function getViews($viewedFile) { $apiViews = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM files WHERE newfilename = '$viewedFile'"); $viewsResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($apiViews); $viewsResult = $viewsResult['views']; return $viewsResult; } function removeFile($userCheck, $removedFile) { $apiRemove = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM files WHERE newfilename = '$removedFile'"); $removeResult = mysql_fetch_assoc($apiRemove); $removeUser = $removeResult['user']; $removeCheck = mysql_num_rows($apiRemove); //Check if it exists if ($removeCheck == 0) { $remResult = "Doesn't exist"; return $remResult; } if ($userCheck != $removeUser) { $remResult = "You do not own this image"; return $remResult; } //Use this for the account page, so it forwards you back to the correct page! if ($_GET['forward'] == 'true') { $pastPage = $_GET['page']; $deleteMe = mysql_query("DELETE FROM files WHERE newfilename='$removedFile'"); unlink("keyUploads/" . $removedFile); header("Location:$pastPage"); } else { //Removing files from the api only, not the account page! $deleteMe = mysql_query("DELETE FROM files WHERE newfilename='$removedFile'"); unlink("keyUploads/" . $removedFile); $remResult = "Success"; return $remResult; } } function simpleSanitize($inputData) { $inputData = strip_tags(mysql_real_escape_string($inputData)); return $inputData; } } class errorReport { function returnError($i) { switch ($i) { case 0: $msg = "No credentials given"; return $msg; break; case 1: $msg = "User does not exist"; return $msg; break; case 2: $msg = "Incorrect API credentials"; return $msg; break; case 3: $msg = "Category does not exist"; return $msg; break; case 4: $msg = "File does not exist"; return $msg; break; case 5: $msg = "A POSTed file is needed"; return $msg; break; case 6: $msg = "This file type is not allowed"; return $msg; break; case 7: $msg = "This file is too large"; return $msg; break; case 8: $msg = ""; return $msg; break; case 9: $msg = ""; return $msg; break; case 10: $msg = ""; return $msg; break; } } }