SupaDupa's Pro Guide to Litecoin Stratum Mining (Windows) *UPDATED December 30th 2012*: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ProTip: Stratum Mining is a method of mining extremely high difficulty shares for much larger reward payouts 1. Download CGMiner 2.10.4 *Must be version 2.10.3 or higher to enable Stratum mining* @ 2. Sign Up to Notroll Pool @ 3. Create a shortcut to CGMiner 2.10.4 4. Right click on your newly made CGMiner 2.10.4 shortcut and go to Properties under the target field go to the very end press spacebar and type in -o stratum+tcp:// yourusername.1 -p 12345 5. Click ok on the shortcut 6. If all goes well you should now be mining Litecoins via Stratum Mining Cheers, SupaDupaJenkins If this guide helped you Please Donate @ Lbi12sxJwT6XBuDbvQtVNJzNBTs9Expfxz (Litecoin)