Dictionary Thesaurus Translate img good [ good ] Main Entry: good Part of Speech: adjective Definition: pleasant, fine Synonyms: acceptable, ace*, admirable, agreeable, bad, boss*, bully, capital, choice, commendable, congenial, crack*, deluxe, excellent, exceptional, favorable, first-class, first-rate, gnarly, gratifying, great, honorable, marvelous, neat*, nice, pleasing, positive, precious, prime, rad, recherché, reputable, satisfactory, satisfying, select, shipshape, sound, spanking, splendid, sterling, stupendous, super, super-eminent, super-excellent, superb, superior, tip-top, up to snuff, valuable, welcome, wonderful, worthy Antonyms: bad, detestable, disagreeable, unpleasant Main Entry: good Part of Speech: adjective Definition: moral, virtuous Synonyms: admirable, blameless, charitable, dutiful, estimable, ethical, exemplary, guiltless, honest, honorable, incorrupt, inculpable, innocent, irreprehensible, irreproachable, lily-white, obedient, praiseworthy, pure, reputable, respectable, right, righteous, sound, tractable, uncorrupted, untainted, upright, well-behaved, worthy Antonyms: evil, immoral, noxious, sinful, unvirtuous, vile, wicked Main Entry: good Part of Speech: adjective Definition: competent, skilled Synonyms: able, accomplished, adept, adroit, au fait, capable, clever, dexterous, efficient, expert, first-rate, proficient, proper, qualified, reliable, satisfactory, serviceable, skillful, suitable, suited, talented, thorough, trustworthy, useful Antonyms: incompetent, unskilled, unsuitable Main Entry: good Part of Speech: adjective Definition: useful, adequate Synonyms: acceptable, advantageous, all right, ample, appropriate, approving, apt, auspicious, becoming, benefic, beneficial, benignant, brave, commendatory, commending, common, conformable, congruous, convenient, decent, desirable, favorable, favoring, fit, fitting, fruitful, healthful, healthy, helpful, hygienic, meet, needed, opportune, profitable, proper, propitious, respectable, right, salubrious, salutary, satisfying, seemly, serviceable, suitable, tolerable, toward, unobjectionable, wholesome Antonyms: inadequate, rotten, unsuitable Main Entry: good Part of Speech: adjective Definition: reliable; untainted Synonyms: dependable, eatable, fit to eat, flawless, fresh, intact, loyal, normal, perfect, safe, solid, sound, stable, trustworthy, unblemished, uncontaminated, uncorrupted, undamaged, undecayed, unhurt, unimpaired, unspoiled, vigorous, whole Antonyms: noxious, rotten, tainted, unreliable Main Entry: good Part of Speech: adjective Definition: kind, giving Synonyms: altruistic, approving, beneficent, benevolent, charitable, considerate, friendly, gracious, humane, humanitarian, kindhearted, merciful, obliging, philanthropic, tolerant, well-disposed Antonyms: bad, mean, vicious Main Entry: good Part of Speech: adjective Definition: authentic, real Synonyms: bona fide, conforming, dependable, genuine, honest, justified, kosher*, legitimate, loyal, orthodox, proper, regular, reliable, sound, strict, true, trustworthy, valid, well-founded Antonyms: fake, forged, unreal Main Entry: good Part of Speech: adjective Definition: well-behaved Synonyms: considerate, decorous, dutiful, kindly, mannerly, obedient, orderly, polite, proper, respectful, seemly, thoughtful, tolerant, tractable, well-mannered Antonyms: bad, misbehaving Main Entry: good Part of Speech: adjective Definition: considerable Synonyms: adequate, advantageous, ample, big, complete, entire, extensive, full, great, immeasurable, large, long, lucrative, much, paying, profitable, respectable, sizable, solid, substantial, sufficient, whole, worthwhile Antonyms: inconsequential, inconsiderable Main Entry: good Part of Speech: noun Definition: advantage, benefit Synonyms: asset, avail, behalf, benediction, blessing, boon*, commonwealth, favor, gain, godsend, good fortune, interest, nugget, plum, prize, profit, prosperity, service, treasure, use, usefulness, welfare, well-being, windfall Antonyms: disadvantage Definitions Word Origin & History Don't Miss: Word of the Day Slideshow Blog Puzzles & Games About • Terms & Privacy Copyright © 2017 Dictionary.com LLC.