Taken From TeamDarkc0de™ Top 14 Alphabay Carding Guides At 20% #OpAlpha {UPDATE: 28/5/2016} https://www.reddit.com/r/darknet/comments/4lfm32/teamdarkc0de_top_14_alphabay_carding_guides_at_20/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE : We've Added Two Guides, & We're Now Supported By ReskayLeaks! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are you tired of bullshit scammers, redundant cashout guides and overpriced guides for the the genuine new stuff? Well 6 of us from Alphabay have pooled together $4000 and bought several overpriced guides and services from both Alphabay and Lampedoza. We will now sell them for a limited time, for about 3 months at 20% of the original prices , so at least some people can get a deal without saturation. we should be scamming the banks, not each-other. These vendors are selling guides at ridiculous prices, meaning the poor won't benefit As proof, we have made cocainecowboys guide $5, (alot less than 20%) so anyone can try us out This is Darkc0de's modest means of protest against the terribly run Alphabay. We hope you enjoy. Main Jabber Support : darkc0de@exploit.im Main Email Support : darkc0desupport@hushmail.com {UPDATE: 28/5/2016} After a great few months, we have decided to stop our campaign in November, as they see to finally be cracking down on the problem. We would like to thank you all for the help and support. And as a thank you, We've added two final guides. "Sandman's Mobile Check Fraud A-Z" & the brilliant MH9's "Mobile CC Cashout - The Final Chapter" both are guides that are mobile based, which is the future as far as carding is concerned. We hope you've enjoyed TeamDarkc0de's attempt to change the Alphabay staff's attitude to scamming and scammers. We also hope you've benefited from what we've achieved, even if the end results haven't been hat significant as of yet. Remember, you can still change that by supporting #OpAlpha until November. TeamDarkc0de™ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CocaineCowboy's - Personal Cocaine Production At Home Tutorial, Sources & Help Original author : CocaineCowboy From Alphabay Original Price : $60 Our Price : $5 (0.01547 Btc) Link: http://satoshibox.com/564a14fd12fb6d0d5e8b4574 Description: A full working guide that shows you how to make 99% pure cocaine at home easily at around $300 per 3.5g of Cocaine HCL. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------