Since a few days there is a new faucet called FarmSatoshi, it is a level based totally free faucet game. (you can't invest, xapo or faucetbox payouts 1 satoshi minimum) To earn satoshi you have to buy animals, but animals can't survive without any food. In the market section you can buy animals and water and food for them. In the beginning try to level up as fast as possible, you can see the requirements of the next level if you click on your username which is located at the right top of your screen while logged in. In the ROI table you can see what animal gives you the most value. So when you are done leveling look to your warehouse and find the animal on the table whereby you can make the most profit of. this depens on how many times a day you want to check into the website and rebuy resources. I'm offering 1000 satoshi for every new valid affiliate!