Hey guys, I'm happy to start a new warzone guide! I'm quite new at discussing this, but I'm going to go over quite a few topics that are worth listening to. The main thing I'd be able to say is follow mainstream people. Follow pros (FaZe Testistify, Galex, many people). Follows youtubers (Nickmercs, timthetatman, etc.) The reason I'm saying this is because you can learn a great overview of things. The main thing to focus on is meta. ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS focus on current meta. Each season, there's new guns. That means new OP weapons, op strats, changes to certain guns. The meta (Season 1) started as AX-50 and M4A1. Now, the meta is KRIG with cold war mp5, or Krig with a CX-9, or Krig with the OTS-9. The meta is always something to follow around, always! Every week meta usually differs a slight bit, as the usual update and patches comes around. The most game changing weapons at the moment is the OTS-9, per usual the Kar-98k, the vector, cold war ak. Most guns vary in meta depending on their TTK (Time to kill.) To dumb that down, it's how fast your gun can kill someone. The main thing about warzone, and you see it all the time, is positioning. I hate having to rotate about in the gas when there's people a couple hundred meters on top of prison (Verdansk) holding high ground. Stay to your cover, keep in mind circle rotates. What I like to do in the beginning (IN VERDANSK) is to land on the nearest heli. Take that heli to get a most wanted, and let your partner, if you have one, farm up loot and money. If you do not want to run to that option, doing scavengers is always a good source of money. You gain an average of 6,000$ and a guaranteed armor satchel upon contract completion! Now that we've covered meta and guns, along with starts, we can cover playstyle. If you're an aggressive style, your playing obviously changes. If you're more aggressive and like pushing everyone, I'd recommend a medium to long range AR, along with a good TTK smg, and a stun grenade/heartbeat and a throwing knife (To throwing knife them upon downing someone). The best way to play agro is by landing a contested place, grabbing a good enough gun and maybe a plate or two, and pushing around places. I usually land military base. Stick to one location and learn its layout so you can have an advantage over your opponent! Following the aggressive idea, you should clear everyone out of your location and then head to the buy station, if possible, to get a loudout drop. Take that loadout, grab the nearest bounty, and W-key on. If at all possible, if you have enough money after buying loadout, grab a UAV to use once in close proximity to your bounty. Get your bounty kills on, and repeat this cycle until maybe 30-50 people are left. Activity slows down, and people quit running around and start to get serious about winning. You can't keep W-keying, as your options on cover, ground positioning, and movement are limited by the area you are in. Most likely, with circle closing in, you are limited in cover and have to often hide in nature, such as trees or rocks or bridges and such. I'd say try to stay on slow side of the gas, and make sure to make use of your opponents attention. Run to cover, or get your better positioning in once they are engaged in a fight or revert their attention from you. I'm going to clarify on how to play a slower playstyle. What I like to do is grab a rover or a form of a vehicle (Not a heli, and not a motorcycle), and I do constant recons. I do about five or six, and usually you can find recons in close proximity to each other. The recon will spawn usually 150meters away from you, and it's an easy 1500$+ cash, along with a possible armor satchel. I do these recons over and over again until I get a good idea where circle is, and I spend the rest of my time avoiding fights (To save gulag), and getting money. Use that money to buy yourself a self revive kit automatically! The only time you should not follow this rule is if you're playing aggressive and wanting to W-key, or you have a heavy amount of enemies nearby. Your survival is most important, so calculate ahead of time which you'd need more! Once you get a self revive, camp out somewhere. Make it as close to last circle as possible, and get to the best vantage point from circle as you can. Let's say second circle has just closed, and you know what circle the 6th or 7th circle is going to be. Do not stay in the center of the last circle in the open. Go find a building somewhere close to last circle, and camp it out. What I like to do is I get C4, and my partner (Often my nephew) will throw his c4 on top of my flying recon drone. I fly the recon drone to people nearby, and blow the C4 up on them to get an easy down, and then it's an uneven playing field for your opponents. Cover your entrances, make sure you have gas masks, have an escape route in case of unwanted airstrikes, etc. Keep your safety in mind, and with that, I'll post another guide soon!