(CONTINUED FROM http://bitbin.it/bTy7DdAK) 1. Be Funny and Witty This makes sense. People like people who can make them laugh. Go figure :-) . For this, let’s look no further than Chris Pearson, the king of witty and snarky tweets. “Me + hair gel + no shower = Don King” – Original Tweet However, if you’re struggling to be funny, there are proven joke templates that you can follow to work on your humor. To walk you through that, I’ll share my favorite which is called “the rule of three.” Here’s how it works: You’ll need a list of three items, 2 normal items, and one ridiculous item. Much like what Chris Pearson did in his tweet—Me (normal), Hair Gel (normal), and No Shower (ridiculous). As another example, let’s look at the famous Chris Rock joke from one of his standup comedy shows “Women like food, water, and compliments.” This is a perfect template for Twitter because it’s short, and can fit in 140 characters or less.