ld forth in every part of the bible as the design of the salvation of the Gospel, to set men free from sin, and when they are thus effectually saved, there cannot be a doubt that they will find their blessedness here and hereafter in communion with God, as surely as he is a God of purity and love. Accordingly the angel that foretold the birth of our Saviour said, "Thou shall call his name Jesus," i. e. a Saviour, "for he shall save his people from their sins." Hence, also, we hear God saying,-"Behold I will bring forth out of Zion the Deliverer, and he shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: For this is my covenant with them when I shall take away 7 their sins." I greatly rejoice, that it is beginning to be recognized more and more, as the great design of the gospel to make men pure and holy, and thereby "meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light." The danger on this point is, that men shall think themselves cleansed by the gospel, while in the sight of God they are still altogether unclean; or shall regard themselves as so sure of being cleansed at last, that they shall pass on uncleansed, until they die in their iniquities, and consequently find, that "where Christ has gone they never can come." I know it has sometimes been said of Universalists, that they maintain that men of all characters will be taken to Heaven. This charge is manifestly false. They believe that all men will become holy, and then be received to heaven; and I rejoice to admit, that in assuming it as the grand and glorious design of the gospel, to save men from sin, they hold forth a sentiment which harmonizes with the whole tenor of sacred scripture. The fatal mistake which they embrace, is on another point, as I expect hereafter to show. The Preacher of the sermon in question, in proceeding to show in what consisted the power of the gospel to save men from sin, remarked, I. Negatively; that it did not consist, 1. In propitiatory worship. This he stated was the design of all heathen worship, and conveyed, as I understood him, the idea, that such worship was no better than heathenism. Now that men need a propitiatory sacrifice, in coming to God with acceptance, is very evident from the fact, that the bible teaches us, that Christ is the propitiation for