First, a general overview of AutoHack. It contains two basic programs in one. A Scanner, which will scan through a set range of numbers and check for carriers, and a Hacker, which will "hack" through codes on a given Long Distance service, such as MCI, Sprint, Metrophone, or Allnet. ================= Hacking Section ================= The hacking section options consist of two subchoices, Begin, and Reconfigure. We will start with Reconfigure. Reconfigure allows you to change virtually every parameter in AutoHack Hacking Section. Here is a brief explaination of all of them. COM port.............The COM port that your modem is in. Can only be 1 or 2 Hack port............The telephone number of the Long Distance service you wish to hack on. Start code...........The code to start hacking with. Increment............Allows you to set it to add a certain number to the code to try each time. If 0 is selected, it will be a totally random code, and if 99 is selected it will increment the code with a random number between 1 and 10. Time.................The number of minutes you want the hacker to run Opening delay........The number of seconds you want to wait after the Hack port is dialed, before the code/number is dialed. Wait carrier delay...The number of seconds you want to wait for a carrier after the dialing process begins (includes dialing time) Length of code.......The number of digits in the code Number of carrier....A telephone number to try that ALWAYS gives a carrier. It is a good idea to use one out of your own free-calling area When you have reconfigured it to your needs, hit [Q] [RETURN] to quit. This will save the configuration so you will not need to reconfigure again the next time you run AutoHack. Now, you select "Begin Hacking" from the Hacking menu, and the process will begin. If you wish to stop the hacker completely, hit [X]. If you wish to hide the screen, press [H]. Hiding the screen will put a fake screen over top with the words " The Genius Compiler " on the screen, and false compiling messages on the screen. When the hack is finished, if the screen is still hidded, it will display some status. The status "Error:" is the number of working codes you have gotten. Pressing any key will return to the main Hack menu. If you are in "Hide" mode, [H] will return you to the normal screen, and [X] will still quit. ================== Scanning section ================== The Scanner also has a reconfigure screen. These are the options it has: LD Prefix.......The Long Distance prefix to dial before dialing the number to check for carrier. This allows you to Scan a long distance area with MCI, Sprint, Metro, or another service, rather than paying with AT & T. To Scan numbers within your free-calling area, type [/] at the prompt to change it and it will become blank. Area code.......This is the area code of the numbers to be Scanned. If the LD Prefix is blank, however, this is ignored. Prefix..........This is the three digit prefix to the numbers to be Scanned. Start number....This is the first of the four digit numbers to be scanned. (xxx/xxx-nnnn <- nnnn represents the start number) End number......This is the last number to be Scanned (see Start number) Delay...........This is the number of seconds to wait for a carrier at a given Scanned number. When you are finished, press [Q] [RETURN]. Notice that these options, too, are saved so they do not need to be configured each time. When you begin, it will scan the numbers you have specified. You may press [X] to abort. Since this is not an illegal activity, I have found no reason to put the Hide Screen option in this section. ===================== Reading the results ===================== When a Hack or a Scan is finished, the results will be in a file on the disk called "Codes.Dat" (for the Hacker) or "Scanner.Dat" (for the Scanner). These files may then be printed out or just "Typed" on the screen from DOS. NOTE: Be sure to print these files, or rename them, before beginning another Hack or Scan, otherwise they will be overwritten.. I.E.. Poof! =========== That's it ===========