--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commons: (17) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) Flag (1 level) Remove 3 points from the opponent. b) Spammer: (2 levels) This user spams all over the place, and usually doesn't stick around very long. Deals 1 damage to enemy users each turn. 3 damage, 2 health. c) Copier: (3 levels) This user gets their fame by copying others, how lame. Gains +1/+1 for each opposing user. 1 damage, 4 health. d) Regular: (3 levels) This is fine. Rather unremarkable. 3 damage, 6 health. e) Lurker: (2 levels) Very hard to get rid of, does not even have an account. Cannot be targeted by enemy users, cannot target enemy users. 1 damage, 1 health. f) Life Card: (5 levels) The card designer slacked off here. Not sorry. :kappa: Your point total is now 50 g) Peace Rule: (3 levels) Why do moderators hate juicy drama? Probably cause it's bad. This card is hidden on entry (pm Uiomancant that you're using it. He wont cheat) Any damage you would take is healing instead. h) Elder User: (6 levels) A main forumer. A large amount of people like them. This unit takes 1 less damage from any attack. 5 damage, 8 health. i) Designer: (2 levels) A forumer who is somewhat unknown to some of the regulars. They quietly make games. Gives the owner 1 level per turn. 1 damage, 2 health j) Shitposter: (3 levels) A highly offensive user that causes some controversy. Usually takes a whole lot of blame. All attacks are redirected to this user. This user deals 2 damage to each user that attacks it. 0 attack, 8 health k) Flamebaiter: (1 level) A user that pisses everyone off. Always gets downboated. If attacked, destroy both users. Cannot attack 0 attack, 1 health l) Role: Flagger: (1 level) A vigilante that sends a message to all defectors. Or at least their points. Target user gets +3/+0 until its destroyed. m) Jail: (1 level) Restricts a users actions. Greatly. Almost like real prison, but not quite. Target user cannot attack this turn. n) Stalker: (2 levels) A person obsessed with following a user. Not very glamorous. Can only attack other users. 4 damage, 2 health. o) Trevin: (1 level) Nothing notable about this chap. 0 attack, 1 health p) Accusation: (2 levels) Remove all roles from a user q) Role: Funny (2 levels) Everyone envies a person who makes them laugh. Reduces the damage this user takes by 2. r) Role: Conversationalist A good conversation is a welcome distraction. all enemy users will attack this user. This user gains 5 health. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Uncommons (10) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- a) Firefox-tan: (5 levels) An ambassador for the glorious nexus. Seeks to revive Developous. Unique (if two or more of this unit exist at once, destroy both. Abilities don't activate) Pay 2 levels: Summon Developous. Destroy Firefox-Tan 3 attack, 5 health Developous: A great game maker in the playground. Acts to the higher power of the nexus. 6 Attack, 10 Health. b) Ban: (X levels) A simple way to remove defecting users. Which is all of them. Costs 1 level less than the target. If the target is level 1, this is free. Destroy target user. c) Tempban: (1 level) A simple way to get a user to calm down. Success rate of 20%. Turns a users stats to 0/1 for a turn and removes all abilities. d) Sub-mod: (4 levels) Pretty useless, scares lower levelled users into conforming. Level 1 users cannot attack. 2 Attack, 5 Health. e) Sticky: Inspire (3 levels) This thread makes people inspired to follow their passions. Unless they're a murderer. All users gain +1/+2 Stays on the field until destroyed. f) Jarr: (1 level) An ex-shitposter who turned his life around. Not really though, just his account. Unique (if two or more of this unit exist at once, destroy both. Abilities don't activate) Jarr can attack on the same turn it's summoned. 2 Attack, 2 Health. g) Goldra: (2 levels) A midas fan who likes forum games. Otherwise unotable. Unique (if two or more of this unit exist at once, destroy both. Abilities don't activate) When entering the battlefield, remove a target enemy user from the battlefield. This card returns when goldra dies. Can't attack 0 Attack, 10 Health. h) RunningInReverse:(3 levels) A fabulous playground user who is frequently in RP's. Often is really good at descriptions Unique (if two or more of this unit exist at once, destroy both. Abilities don't activate) Gains 1 attack for every other user you control, and 1 health for every other user the opponent controls. 2 Attack, 5 Health i) Carmory: (2 levels) A spontaneous individual who enjoys polls. So many polls. Totally straight though. Unique (if two or more of this unit exist at once, destroy both. Abilities don't activate) Carmory can attack the same turn it's summoned. After dealing damage, destroy Carmory. 10 Attack, 1 Health j) Darky: (3 levels) ... Unique (if two or more of this unit exist at once, destroy both. Abilities don't activate) 4 Attack, 4 Health. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rares: (4) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chisy: (7 levels) A cool person, can usually make things less fun, but if it comes down to it they'll get serious. Unique (if two or more of this unit exist at once, destroy both. Abilities don't activate) When Chisy enters the battlefield, target other user gets +2/+4 and target enemy user gets -2/-4 Fair Play: This card cannot be targeted by enemy spells 8 Attack, 4 Health. Raid: (6 levels) A horrific event that makes a forum a vile place to be. Destroys all enemy users. Necrobumper: (2 levels) Thou shall rise from your grave, and be flagged today. Temporarily revives a user from the grave when Necrobumper enters the battlefield. That user can attack this turn. 1 Attack, 2 Health. DoomlordKrakova: (6 levels) Interests: Hugs, Tentacles, Ears, eggs and random entities appearing in your room. Unique (if two or more of this unit exist at once, destroy both. Abilities don't activate) After dying, come back with +6/+4 2 Attack, 4 Health --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Legendaries: (1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hack: (5 levels) An act to obtain anything the user desires. Or just to pin blame on a user. Gain control of anything the opponent controls. Hive: (7 levels) A large nest full of ferocious bees that will defend it at all costs. the hive itself is decades old. Indestructible (Can only be killed if its maxhealth is lowered to 0) Summons 3 2/1 bees every turn. These can attack in the same turn they're summoned