Expected an indented block => http://justwiranri.nnmcloud.ru/d?s=YToyOntzOjc6InJlZmVyZXIiO3M6MjE6Imh0dHA6Ly9iaXRiaW4uaXQyX2RsLyI7czozOiJrZXkiO3M6MjY6IkV4cGVjdGVkIGFuIGluZGVudGVkIGJsb2NrIjt9 I'll post this counter assignment I got as an example. Whatever the language, I find it always a bad idea to mix spaces and tabs, and I prefer spaces. Says name is not defined anywhere so It couldn't locate it it? Si le dernier message sur le sujet date de plus de deux mois, mieux vaut ne pas répondre. Regardless, I do enjoy elpy and I greatly appreciate you all for all your good work! Because there are lots of slots in Python that don't accept most tabs, generating a syntax error is not hard. Thanks Keith To see the full traceback, assuming you're using windows, you need to run it on the Command prompt. Can i use the keyword pass? Sorry to bother, but while I'm asking is this a correct way to set values for class init to a main class? I'd long known it but just was reminded of it when I messed a little with the interpreter. Regardless, I do enjoy elpy and I greatly appreciate you all for all your good work! Whatever the language, I find it always a bad idea to mix spaces and tabs, and I prefer spaces. Use either tabs, or spaces, but not both. I can see what I'm doing wrong. To learn more, see our. At the start of the program, I define a function that classifies the type of each statement in the syllogism. Is recommended to use spaces instead of tabs, but is not required. IndentationError: expected an indented block [Résolu] - It's also possible that you are just missing a character or two. As you can see I am a beginner. Greetings: I'm brand new to Python and decided to write a syllogism solver for a class I'm taking. At the start of the program, I define a function that classifies the type of each statement in the syllogism. I can see what I'm doing wrong. Keith On 13 Aug expected an indented block 16:28:45 -0700, expected an indented block at gmail. At the start of the program, I define a function that classifies the type of each statement in the syllogism. I can see what I'm doing wrong. Keith Would the missing colon have something to do with it. Thanks Keith Dustan wrote: To see the full traceback, assuming you're using windows, you need to run it on the Command prompt. Thanks Keith To see the full traceback, assuming you're using windows, you need to run it on the Command prompt. The docstring for a function or at least its first triple-quote must be indented to the same degree as its statements. Thanks for all the help everyone, my first Python program is now working. Keith Simon Forman wrote: I got rid of the triple quote string at the start of the function, and that cleared up the problem, though I don't know why. The docstring for a function or at least its first triple-quote must be indented to the same degree as its statements. Thanks for all the help everyone, my first Python program is now working. That way, each tab will be expanded into the corresponding number of spaces. Whatever the language, I find it always a bad idea to mix spaces and tabs, and I prefer spaces. Pierre at Aug 14, 2006 at 8:42 am I got rid of the triple quote string at the start of the function, and that cleared up the problem, though I don't know why. The docstring for a function or at least its first triple-quote must be indented to the same degree as its statements. Thanks for all the help everyone, my first Python program is now working. That way, each tab will be expanded into the corresponding number of spaces. Whatever the language, I find it always a bad idea to mix spaces and tabs, and I prefer spaces.