III.III.II No entries in Step 2 If you do not see any entries in Step 2 this can be for the following reasons: 1. You didn't select the whole physical drive in Step 1 of the software. If you select only part of the drive, select only a partition or restrict the area to be scanned by doing only a partial scan, GetDataBack in some cases will not be able to reconstruct the original file system or will just not find enough information to rebuild any file system at all. 2. You are using the wrong version of the software. GetDataBack comes in two versions. You need GetDataBack for FAT if the original file system, i.e. the file system that was on the drive when you lost your files, was FAT and GetDataBack for NTFS if the original file system was NTFS. If you are not sure which file system your files were formatted with, read chapter "Install GetDataBack" again. You may also send our technicians a snapshot of your recovery from Step 2 - they can easily determine if you are using the wrong version. To create a snapshot click on Help>Snapshot for Support while in Step 2. This will create a small text file with detailed information about the options you chose in the software. Email this file to support@runtime.org. 3. Your drive is physically damaged and GetDataBack is unable to read enough sectors on the drive to gather the required information. If you were getting a lot of error messages during the scan or you already know that your drive has a physical problem, if might be too damaged for you to be able to recover your data with software. You might have to send your drive to a data recovery lab. Please contact our tech support - they will help you determine if this is the case. 4. You are scanning an external drive. Since you don't have error checking when scanning through USB, possible errors while reading the drive are not reported to GetDataBack. It then can happen that the software is unable to read the necessary file system information and cannot collect enough information to come up with a file system entry. It's best (and much quicker) to attach the drive directly to the internal IDE-cable. Please see above I.II.II. Special - External Drives.