THREE REASONS WHY THE SUN MAKES YOU FEEL TIRED If you’ve ever felt exhausted after a day on the beach, it is not a coincidence. Long hours of exposure to the sun can really make you feel tired, but probably not for the reasons you think. On the one hand, does not mean that you have an overdose of vitamin D. But could mean the following: 1. Your body is trying to control its temperature Normally, your body works hard to maintain an internal temperature constant. But when you are exposed to direct heat as you spend time in the sun, your body ends working overtime to keep you cool. On the other hand, your heart rhythm and the metabolic rate may also increase. All this effort physiological extra may make you feel tired or sleepy. 2. You are dehydrated Even if you are not involved in the strenuous physical activity, spend time in the sun can become dehydrated quickly. This is due in part to the fact that your body is working hard to keep you cool and in part because you can be losing fluids and salts through sweating. Fatigue is one of the major symptoms of dehydration, which can increase the risk of heat exhaustion. 3. Your body is experiencing chemical changes It is no secret that the ultraviolet rays of the sun can penetrate the skin and cause damage (causing sunburn, pigmentation changes, and wrinkles). The cascade of chemical changes that produce these effects also can cause fatigue after hours in the sun. To avoid fatigue induced by the sun avoids spend long periods of time under direct sunlight during the hottest hours of the day and seek shade whenever possible. Drink plenty of water while you’re out and considered to have a snack salty to replace the salts that you will lose while transpires, but also drink plenty of fluids. Try to find a balance between being active and rest. It also helps to use a hat or sitting under an umbrella to reduce the amount of light