Nurses were taught the ethics and scientific procedure to enable us deliver care adequately, but no training was actually put in place to prepare us as managers of care. In healthcare delivery system nurses are mostly seen as a rear figure in the whole health care delivery system. Securing a job immediately after school for many is a thing of joy. But it comes with a combination of joy and a little bit of melancholy feelings for practicable professions such as Nursing. Most especially when you find yourself in a situation where you are at forefront of healthcare delivery:place like private hospitals. Practicing nursing as a profession could be fulfilling and at the same time frustrating But what I’ve learnt in my one week experience of working without supervision is “You are never a Nurse until your patients look at you and say you are a GOOD NURSE. Some patients could be annoying and find it difficult to be contented with anything. One may also be faced with a whole lot of responsibilities and working under chronic stress as a Nurse could alter delivery of care. But the outstanding and professional ability to deal with these situations is what makes us Nurses. It’s my first week,first experience working as a nurse in a private organization. The first day at work was not demanding and it went smoothly because just few patients came around with mild conditions. It was fulfilled.. .lol Seventh day at work was the deal day....a labour case, I was the only one on duty with a nurse assistant. She was an unbooked patient (she never came for antenatal....we had no medical history) and the head was almost out.....had to rush to put on an elbow length glove, set the trolley for delivery and put other necessary things in place... Then something just told me to ask about her HIV status the 2 nd time after she said she was OK the first time i asked...... she told me she was HIV positive but had been healed by a Pastor.!!..She had never taken her drugs and never been to hospital the whole time of pregnancy.... WHAT!!!! I was very angry but I had to smile just to calm the tension in the air...I tested her and she was positive!!!! Took the delivery with great caution for the sake of the baby and myself.....she apologized for her negligence and all.... The baby is so beautiful... Now the hilarious part.....her totoh was just TOO wide(she had no tear) hand could easily dive in and I could spread out my five fingers that normal?....the mother in law no gree carry pikin...she told me the baby would be a spoilt child if she carries her.She stayed far from her daughter in law and looked scared like no one should come near her and i wondered if she knew about the status..........It was pathetic imagining that this beautiful baby will not be carried by her grand mother for any reason whatsoever... MIL Quickly left. Lesson of the story...please HIV isn’t spiritual.Get the necessary medical attention once you find out your status (positive).Its actually not a death sentence. All you need is required drugs adequate nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. Nurses will always be faced with plenty bullshits but we just need to be swallow them all without