Turkey on Friday vowed to support a planned offensive against the Islamic State (IS) group in the Iraqi city of Mosul. "We are ready to give all kinds of support in the fight against Daesh (IS) in Mosul," Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said at a joint press conference with his Spanish counterpart Jose Manuel Garcia-Margallo. He said that involving Shiite militias in the operation will not bring peace. "On the contrary, it will increase problems." However, he added that Turkey-trained Sunni forces should be involved in the offensive while the coalition forces can give consultation. Ankara and Baghdad are in row of words over Turkish troops deployed in Bashiqa region of northern Iraq. The troops train local Sunni Arabs and Kurdish forces for fight against the IS. The assault to retake Mosul, which has been in the hands of IS since 2014, is expected to take place in the coming weeks.