the evils that would arise, and which would have to be corrected and firmly dealt with corresponding to their aggravated character. The Lord had revealed to Paul the purity, the devotion and piety that should be maintained in the church, and things arising contrary to this he knew must be reproved according to the light given him of God. Why Inquiries Are Made—When matters are brought before my mind in regard to a church, sometimes there flashes, as it were, a light from heaven revealing particulars that God had presented before me of that case, and when the burden is bearing upon my mind in reference to special churches, families or individuals, I frequently inquire the condition of things in the church, and the matter is all written out before I come to that church. But I want facts to substantiate the testimonies, and I am burdened to know in what manner I should bring out the light God has given me. If the errors have been manifestly affecting the church, the examples of a character to mislead the church, weaken it in faith and strengthen unbelief, then the work to be done must not [66] be confined to families privately or to individuals alone, but must come before the whole church to stay the evil and flash light into the minds of those who have been deceived by deceptive works and misinterpretations. Again, when before the people, there flashes upon me light that God has given me in the past in reference to the faces which were before me, and I have been impelled by the Spirit of the Lord to speak. This is the way I have been used, viewing many cases, and before I bring these cases out, I wish to know whether the case is known by others; whether their influence is calculated to injure the church generally. Questions are sometimes asked and sometimes it determines the manner of treating these cases, whether before many or few, or before the persons themselves. If the case is such that it can be dealt with privately, and others need not know, I greatly desire to do all possible to correct and not give publicity to the matter.—Letter 17, 1887. I Stand Alone, Severely Alone—I have a statement to make. When the Lord presents before me any matter and instruction and I have a message to bear concerning the said matter, then I shall, to the best of my God-given ability, make known the matter, presenting the mind and will of God just as clearly as my human capabilities, guided and controlled by the Holy Spirit, shall bring all the matter before me to present to others. In regard to the serious matters given me I have not given anyone—man or woman—any right to have the least control over my work the Lord has given me to do. Since twenty-one years ago, when I was deprived of my husband by death, I have not had the slightest idea of ever marrying again. Why? Not because God forbade it. No. But to stand alone was the best for me, that no one should suffer with me in carrying forward my work entrusted to me of God. And no one should have a right to influence me in any way in reference to my responsibility and my work in bearing my testimony of [67] encouragement and reproof. My husband never stood in my way to do this, although I had help and encouragement from him and oft his pity. His sympathy and prayers and tears I have missed so much, so 46 Selected Messages Book 3 very much. No one can understand this as myself. But my work has to be done. No human power should give the least supposition that I would be influenced in the work God has given me to do in bearing my testimony to those for whom he has given me reproof or encouragement. I have been alone in this matter, severely alone with all the difficulties and all the trials connected with the work. God alone could help me. The last work that is to be done by me in this world will soon be finished. I must express myself plainly, in a manner, if possible, not to be misunderstood. I have not one person in the world who shall put any message in my mind or lay one duty upon me. I am now to say to you, Brother F, when the Lord gives me a burden for you or for anyone, you shall have it in the way and manner the Lord gives it to me.—M