A few of my friends asked of my automation was still doing alright because I took a break from sharing it (mostly cause I don't want to annoy you) In one such conversation my friend asked me "so, is it still working?" I chuckled a bit and said, "yeah it's going pretty well" He asked me if it was real, I said "yeah, it's real" He asked me if we had a good month, I said "yeah, it was a good month" (28.24% in one month) He said "seems too good to be true" I chuckled and then I carried on Some people want to poke holes in what you're doing and will feign interest just to see if they can desuade you from continuing I started 10 months ago First week I made about $12 Last week was $2,500 in a WEEK Yeah it's going pretty well... I guess Btw This is "how" https://samanto.cashfxgroup.com/