Heey guys, i just found cool bitcoin game. Here much people uses bitcoin (its bitcoin paid pastebin, lol) so i think i will post is here. What is that game? It is actually beta stage browser with upgrades. It works like faucet. You are owner of dwarf mine. You can upgrade dwarves, minecarts, picaxes etc. With full upgraded mine you can get 15 000 satoshi per day. Its not very much, but more than any faucet. Its not fake/scam. Admin is very contactive and likes his community. If you are cool guy and want to help me, please, register with my refferal link: http://dwarvenbitmine.com/signup.php?ref=588cd63b6b955 If you dont want it here is normal link: http://dwarvenbitmine.com/signup.php :( Check out bitcointalk.com thread where admin is active: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1667686.msg17654253#msg17654253