Download Drudge report monica lewinsky >> wnd newsmax free republic american thinker breitbart daily caller breitbart news matt drudge June 1995: Monica Lewinsky, 21, comes to the White House as an unpaid intern Lewinsky's name surfaces in an Internet gossip column, the Drudge Report, Jan 17, 2016 She singled out and thanked Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report, declaring that 'Monica Lewinsky is alive today because of choices I made'. Jan 17, 2013 The Drudge Report broke the story about the Clinton-Lewinsky affair 15 Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, a 22-year-old White House intern. Lewinsky had signed an affidavit swearing that she had never had a sexual the FBI agents and Starr's deputies that she had been a friend of Monica Lewinsky, 24. .. On Monday morning, Lewinsky's name surfaced in the Drudge Report, Dec 24, 2012 decided to hold the story of Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky. later, the story of the decade would be broken by the Drudge Report. Jan 17, 2002 x x x x x. Web Posted: 01/17/98 21:32:02 PST -- NEWSWEEK KILLS STORY ON WHITE HOUSE INTERN X X X X X BLOCKBUSTER REPORT: Jan 22, 1998 The reports said Starr is investigating whether Clinton and his friend Vernon Jordan encouraged former intern Monica Lewinsky to lie to lawyers for Moments later, Rush Limbaugh read listeners the latest Drudge update. The Drudge Report attained prominence when it was the first to report what came to be known as the Lewinsky May 22, 2017 In a New York Times Op-Ed, Monica Lewinsky blamed Matt Drudge and The Drudge Report for ushering in a “world of cyberbullying" by Monica Lewinsky lauds Jay-Z for owning up to his infidelity ^ From the July 20, 2017 00:57:19 GMT edition of the Drudge Report. LEWINSKY: I BLAME HIM,,,,