THE ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE LUKE 17:11-19 In your journey through this life, you will discover that God passes the blessings He brings your way through channels and those channels are men. For instance, if you have been asking God to improve your finances, He does not answer that prayer by laying stacks of currency note beside your bed while you are sleeping. What He does instead is to connect you to men who will link you to a business or an employment. He may also use men to teach you a trade or sharpen your gifts and skills. One thing you must do after God has used some persons to bless you is to return to those vessels He used and thank them. By so doing, you keep that channel open. That makes it possible for you to receive from the same channel over and over again. But if you fail to return gratitude to these channels of blessing, you slam the door shut, making it difficult, if not impossible for you to pass through that door again. We saw in our passage today that Jesus expected gratitude from all the ten lepers He healed. “And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine? And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: thy faith hath made thee whole.” (Luke 17:1-19). One thing you will notice is that the one that returned with gratitude was not only cleansed of the leprosy, he was made whole. This points to the truth that whenever you return with gratitude, you mount a ladder that lifts you higher. Make gratitude an attitude and you will be blessed for it. Confess your ingratitude and count your blessings. Pray for every vessel God has used to bless your life. Resolve to show your gratitude and implement it. CONFESSION: I will never take God’s mercy and favour for granted. I will always thank Him and thank men.