chicken in the garden I. Construction stables + Background must solidly, make for easy to clean, easy to disinfect disinfection, proper slope background-drained and dry, avoid digging mouse. Therefore, the floor is often covered with sand or cement-tiled. + Floor area depending on the size and severity of intensive but must be large enough. Barn chicks 10-12 / m2, chicken cages detector 5-6 / m2. + Barn roof made of a material difficult to absorb heat against heat. Corrugated iron roof or roofing may thatched roofs, roofing through the barn wall about 1 m to avoid the rain, splashing wet floor. Making a roof or two roofs. + Wall-walled barn: Built by 1 - 1.5 m, it should build high walls 30-40 cm above also use a bamboo fence wire mesh or. Where the walls are regarded as walls, they must be well-ventilated barn window + Shades: Use canvas, sacks, ... Cover a 20 cm outer walls, cages, to protect poultry to avoid the rain, the wind chill is in the stage of a small chicken. + Booths are separated as multiple cells, depending area but at least should prevent a 2-3 box to easily manage especially chicken flock fertility. Should geo bamboo or wire mesh to allow ventilation. + Sewer system: Barns required underground sewers, drains simultaneously outside to avoid water stagnation around the wall. + Stable high as 1.5 m, 2.5 m long, 2 m wide. Booths with 1 or 2 doors out on poultry. Booths must be cleaned and disinfected before feeding. Maybe 2% formaldehyde in doses 1ml / m2, or disinfecton Paricolin 0.05% 0.05% before the start of breeding chickens from 7- 15 days. II. Prepare garden drop (pasture) - Beach should drop shade trees (fruit trees and forest trees), with green grass as a food source that contains many vitamins, minerals, nutritional source for birds. May cause temporary tents to hang the feeder more (taking care to avoid wet) and drinking troughs for chickens during grazing. Shade trees planted barn porch 4-5 m, sun canopy must be higher than the eaves height barn to enhance ventilation. - There are paddocks chicken free movement. On paddocks chickens can get some food, vitamins do sunbathing to create solid bone, good health, less sick. - Garden drop large enough for the chicken to exercise and get more food. Requirements grazing area at least 0.5 to 1m2 / chicken, pasture layout on both sides (front and back) of the barn and implement rotational grazing, it would be better to use stockyard drop on one side. Stockyard layout runs along the length of the barn, so that the distance from the gate to the fence barn not too far away, easy chicken out on (especially when having unusually bad weather). - Pastures leveled flat, well-drained, no stagnant water, no garbage and dirt, foreign material in the stockyard, periodic cleaning feathers scattered in pastures. Regular maintenance of vegetation in pastures for the environment, good environment for the farm, moreover adding green food source, rich in vitamins for chickens. - Surrounded stockyard use trellis or fence with bamboo grill, ... Stars for ventilation but surely, against people, wildlife, pets or intrusion and chickens can not pass - Beach blankets and hygiene must regularly disinfect periodically side. III. Strapless nursery preparation and heating methods chicks - Chests of chicken made of weaved bamboo, plastic or wire mesh and covered with tarpaulin outside ... - Chests are arranged in the room creep creep, should not close doors to avoid drafts. Can I use the walkie plate, sheet .. 0.5 m in height, crank circle diameter from 2.8 to 3.0 m. A strapless chicken farming diameter above 400 chicks in summer and 500 in winter. - 5th Summer days old crank and then extended to the 10th day, they may remove crank. Winter days of age, the extended crank 7th and last week 2-3, the crank can be removed. - Arrangement of nursery pens: Tray, mẹt for eating and drinking troughs chicks small alternating arrangement of crank ensure chicks are eating convenience. Heating shooting (made of corrugated conical shape with a diameter of 60 to 80cm wide, inside the 3 holes drilled staggered to mount lights, on the roof shooting sling hook to tie) using bulbs, infrared ball to give Heating, taking inspiration thermal heating effects and concentrate heat to increase the temperature level for chicken, in addition to taking heat do not make heat from escaping should save electricity ... heating typically take between crank hanging chickens, high suspended 40-50 cm above the floor. * Water for chicken: Heating shooting from the ground surface placed 30-40 cm. Adjust heating appliances for chickens depending on the ambient temperature and the age of the chicken. In the chicken pens and barns, the thermometer should be placed waist-range chickens. Chickens will eat well enough heat, grow healthier and less disease; if chickens are missing heat when it will creep poor diet, or illness, many stunted chickens, high wastage rate, ... By observing bird activity, one can also measure the temperature is appropriate or not to adjust the heating to the appropriate shooting. + When high temperature process requires: Chickens emanate strapless look round, shooting away from heat, open fields to breathe, drink more, eat less. + When the temperature falls below requirements: Chickens gather around shooting heating, automatic heating up shooting each other just below, cry more, eat less + When the temperature falls below requirements: Chickens gather around fireplaces capture, convergence winter heating up shooting each other just below, cry more, eat less + When the proper temperature: Chickens in strapless evenly distributed, eating ham, call at (quiet). + If chickens huddled inside a crank: drafts may be necessary to detect and cover wind direction. IV. Choose chicks Define standard 1-day-old chicks - Birth weight adults (35 - 36g / head) - Healthy, subtle, energetic, good shape. - Beady eyes widened - Legs to stand straight, not crooked toes - The hair dry, porous cotton, clean, grow them - The tail wings close to the body - Belly and Soft - Dried and sealed Navel - Investments to balance, long neck and make - Mine to be sure, not crooked, closed 2 mines. V. chicken eating, drinking 1. For chicks to eat, drink - Place chicken eating, drinking nursery phase of 0-3 weeks of age: + Eating chicken: Use food category chicks 1-21 days (if the compound feed member), if homemade food must be based on nutrition in compound feed for 1kg mixed materials to meet all needs. Feed materials must be of good quality. Sparse, were trays of food to eat or mẹt 1cm thickness, then from 2-3 hours using iron flying shaved and distributed food in trays ready to divest division brought out, old and artisanal food thin to add new foods to turn to chicken feed. Chickens eat free all day and night, with the addition of chicken feed 8-10 times a day. When birds are 3 weeks old onwards replaced by the feeder tray P30 medium. + Chicken drink water: Use gallon water troughs for chickens drinking trough first 2 weeks of using size 1.5-2.0 liters, the week after the 4.0-liter size used trough. Statistics really flat soles drinking troughs higher thin brick padded bedding from 1cm to 3cm, depending on the size of the chicken to chicken not dig into dirty padded lining drinking water. Drinking troughs placed interspersed with food tray. Drinking troughs are cleaned daily as prescribed, daily instead of drinking water for the chicken about 4 times (morning, afternoon, evening, and midnight). - Place chicken eating, drinking period from 4-9 weeks of age: + Eating chicken: chicken detectors Use food category 21-42 days (if the compound feed member), if homemade food must be based on nutrition in compound feed for 1kg mixed materials to meet all needs. Feed materials must be of good quality. Gradually convert food to feed the chickens in a way to coordinate the following: 1. The first day 75% 25% old food and new food 2. The second day 50% 50% old food and new food 3. The third day 25% 75% old food and new food 4. The fourth day of feeding 100% new food For chicken feed trough by mid P30, then shift to the modern chicken P50-feeding troughs, spilled food on the tray of a height equal to 1/2 of the trough itself, periodically shaking trough 2 hours for food to fall down. Trough is hanging by wires so that high oral lumbar drain chicken. Density chicken feeder on request: 30 children - 40 children / trough. Chickens eat free all day and night, with the addition of chicken feed 2 times a day (morning, evening) or 4 times (morning, afternoon, evening, night). + Chicken drink water: Use gallon water troughs for chickens drinking, using size 4.0-liter trough or 8 liters. Statistics for drinking troughs higher real brick flat padded bedding from 4 cm to 5 cm to chicken not dig into dirty padded lining drinking water. Drinking troughs placed with the number 100 to 1 trough. Drinking troughs are cleaned daily as prescribed by veterinary, daily instead of drinking water for the chicken about 4 times (morning, afternoon, evening, and midnight). 2. Place chicken meat, drink Adequate water intake daily chicken. Never leave a thirsty chicken, drain out the water. If chickens are raised without a drink in one day, chicken the next 2 days will not be in volume growth and will slow growth of 1.5 months later. Daily water intake of chickens can vary according to the season, but the average amount of water that the chickens consumed daily food intake doubled. Therefore, based on the age of the chickens, feed intake and ambient temperature in order to calculate the amount of water for drinking chicken, especially when the drug maker increased resistance, disease prevention and treatment for chickens. Food is for eating on the needs of the birds. Divided into several stages need to monitor the amount of food consumed, avoid leftovers. + Track the ability to consume food - Tracking and recording the complete consumption of chicken daily feed by stages. + Identify nutritional needs - Based on animal breeds, different ages to determine the nutritional needs of chickens in stages to the standards. - In addition, we need to be based on the season to determine the need for protein, metabolizable energy, vitamins and minerals for each different type of chicken. - Actual production is divided feed for broiler chickens were divided into three phases as follows: + Ration launch for chicken feed 1-21 days old + Ration growth for chicken feed 22 - 35 (or 42) days of age + Fattening food rations after 36 days of age to slaughter. FOR. Chicken Care 1. Monitor health status chickens - For chicken meat: First week 5 drop chicken only 2 hours / day for chickens to get used. then chasing chickens in cages, corruption following the ascending time drop from 30 minutes to 1 hour, so after about 10 days the chicken drop freely. Before opening, the chicken had been fed, drank quite full, especially drinking water laced with antibiotics and vitamins. - Daily observations chickens, discovered the unusual expression for timely treatment measures. 2. Cleaning barns, chicken instruments - Phase creep test daily and clean the edge around drinking troughs are wet litter, bedding padded tiller island from 7-10 days / times and adding turn thin padded lining. No replacement padded bedding regularly. - To ensure healthy chickens, barn, grazing garden must be cleaned regularly with antiseptic disinfectants or lime 15 days / times. Prevention is the chicken on schedule. - Periodically tiller island, additional litter to ensure the required thickness and make the litter is always dry, porous - Regularly check if gets wet litter to pour out and adding new litter. - Mangers must be cleaned daily using a clean towel before pouring food and disinfect feeders 1 times / week. - Daily drinking troughs must be cleaned and disinfected. - Spray disinfectant entire barn 1 times / week in the case of areas without disease and 3 days / times when the area surrounding the epidemic. - Daily to replace the disinfectant in the tray before the barn doors. - Regularly range grass around the barn, weekly spray disinfectant to disinfect