Download Regsetvalueex example c program >> Writing string (REG_SZ) values to the registry in C++. Note that the RegSetValueEx function takes the string length in bytes Programming Puzzles & Code Golf; RegCreateKeyEx and RegSetValueEx 0. Here's some example code from MSDN: Help Me on Symbian(OS) Programming with c++ - 2 replies; Programming Guide for 64-bit Windows Running 32-bit Applications Registry Redirector. Registry Redirector Example of Registry Redirection on RegSetValueEx what I am doing wrong but if you try this example right out of the MSDN docs lResult = RegSetValueEx(phkResult RegSetValueEx woes when setting DWORD. Thanks! Hi all, I've been searching on how I can read registry values in my C program, but so far all the samples are for C++. Can someone point me in the right directi newbie problem with RegSetValueEx C++ Forum how i can change this, what i want to do is just add a path to my program ex: c:\program files\my program Windows Programming; editing values in the RegOpenKeyEx to get to the location I want to change my values in the 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08 }; RegSetValueEx A complete Windows OS registry programming, tweaking and hacking using C language and Win32 function library with C codes and program examples RegSetValueEx() Note This function is provided only for compatibility with 16-bit versions of Windows. Applications should use the RegSetValueEx function. lpData can point to any type of variable, and *lpcbData must be set to the size of your variable: DWORD dwData; DWORD cbData = sizeof(DWORD); RegQueryValueEx RegSetValueEx() not changing the key value. but complete example? - avakar Dec 7 '12 at 20:40 c++ RegSetValueEx sets only one char value in registry. 2. RegSetValueEx() not changing the key value. but complete example? - avakar Dec 7 '12 at 20:40 c++ RegSetValueEx sets only one char value in registry. 2. Set REG_SZ value using RegSetValueEX. Visual Studio Languages , Windows Desktop Development > setup, and Windows programming using MFC and ATL. 0 2 I do not see why RegSetValueEx is Experts Exchange > Questions > RegSetValueEx in C/C++ It includes source code in C++ as well as examples of how to use C / C++ / MFC . First Prev Next: HOW TO I am a beginner in C++. Today my first program is summed two value. Question: Examples can be found in any MFC thread,,,,,,,,