--------------------------------------Weekly Give Away---------------------------------------- YOU HAVE TO SKIP THE AD ON THE 1ST PAGE & DO 2-4 SURVEYS FOR THE DOWNLOAD!!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Giving away 0.05btc to the 1st 50 people who downloads this free bitcoin auto pilot guild hhttp://adf.ly/XUvMV and send us a message with there Bitcoin address using the Bitmessage Adderss on the contact page on the site giving in the file you also get Bitmessage to contact us The guild will be able to make you fast btcs so make sure you use it ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------= Make sure to add this pastes url in the message (will be a new one each week) -------------------------------------[Monday October 14]-------------------------------------- Why are we paying you guys well lets see ... for each person that using our guild we get paid a % of what they make and don't you think the best way for us to show that this guild pays is by paying anyone that is willing to use it seeing how must people needs something to start doing something. OK so we loss a few btcs @ 1st but as more people start to use this guild to make money we will make more money in the long term by doing this --------------------------------------- add-on post ------------------------------------------ Hey, check out Locket. It's an Android app that pays you for unlocking your phone. The way it's done is simple. By downloading the app, you basically rent out your lock screen to brands. At one swipe, you can either open the ad, or unlock your phone the way you always do. No matter what, you get paid. Real money. Up to hundreds of dollars per year. Check it out here:http://adf.ly/XYsRX