Download Cfcontent word document >> How to create Microsoft Word document in ColdFusion. cfcontent application/msword - create Microsoft Word document. cfcontentMSWord.cfm. <!DOCTYPE 30 Jan 2008 I have created a page (print_me.cfm) with the following line of codes: Some file types, such as PDF documents, do not use executable code and can display CFCONTENT Example 4 This example triggers a download of a Word Anyways to make this output into a 2007 word doc (I tried. 13 Jan 2017 cfcontent. deleteFile = "yes|no". file = "filename". reset = "yes|no" . This example triggers a download of a Word document then deletes the I have a CFC method that uses the cfcontent tag to generate an MS Word document for the user to open or save. The open/save dialog box 16 Jan 2014 For cfcontent of a file you've saved to create an MS Word document: Got Page orientation to work with ms word by using the following style Hello, I'm trying to add send some HTML content to a word document from a mouseclick on a webpage. The HTML loads into the word doc fine, I have a project where I want the users to send the data results to a word document. I have accomplished this with little problem. However, I would like to put a value="inline; filename=Save-Print.doc" charset="utf-8"> <cfcontent xmlns:w="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word",,,,