Ashes of love novel => Furthermore, I ask that Your Highness show some self-restraint. Although this is a fictional account it helped the story of Job became clearer and I was able to relate better to the characters having known some of the scriptural background. In her case, her desire to help him was so strong that she ended up creating situations that actually hurt Xu Feng. Yet that doesn't take away the disgrace of Dinah. He was about to take Jin Mi when Run Yo appeared. There were so many parts that made me cringe and the multitude of liberty taken was more than this reader could handle. On Earth, Xu Feng was born to become King Yi. He was saved by the ignorant Jin Mi. Ashes of Love season 1 ended with Jin Mi and Xu Feng living happily in the mortal realm with their son, hundreds of years after the war between the Heaven Realm and the Demon Realm. She was helped by the water immortal to relocate to Yun Meng Marsh. When that stupid elixir finally broke and Jinmi finally realized that she loved Xu Feng, I felt as if her emotions were my own. It is well written and it comes with as much action as romance. I laughed, cried I seldom cry hoped, felt pain…a whole gamut of emotions. I hope so, although I'm not sure. Ashes of Love is really good so far although I am only in ep 37. How dare he look down on me! I am a Kdrama fan first. SINOPSIS Ashes of Love Episode 1 - The author has threaded the story with explanations of Job's faithfulness to his God,reveals how suffering plays out in our life,and his interaction with Dinah. As an adaptation: Where should I start. I was afraid I was going to be that annoying book reader that kept complaining about ashes of love novel during a drama adaptation and I kind of ended up that way. I was so happy at first when the drama was following the book. I understand all the complaints this drama got from book fans. There was a lot of controversy regarding the script of this drama due to some revelations regarding changes to the script during production. It kind of shed some light into what people are calling Yin Yang scripts. Where you have one initial script that actors read and then somewhere during production a different team comes in and adds storylines to the script, even making changes that end up affecting the flow of the drama. These additions are always concerning supporting characters. It is a common practice and something should be done to regulate studios from going too far. While there were some changes that I liked, I did feel that a lot of book to drama changes took away from the original story and weakened all three main characters. That being said there were a lot of good things. Overall, I really enjoyed this drama. So far it is my favorite drama of the year. I always imagined him as a bit creepy in the book even when he helped JinMi. Liao Jingfeng, the actor who played him, did a great job making him likable. Also, Sui He who is pretty one dimensional in the book and even feels like a token character. The drama made me hate her, feel bad for her, and at points understand her obsession. She was an interesting villain. She had such a deep obsession with Xu Feng that she sacrificed herself and those that loved ashes of love novel for him. She would have done anything for him. In her case, her desire to help him was so strong that she ended up creating situations that actually hurt Xu Feng. And her ending was so horrible. She was a villain, but I felt like she suffered an injustice. It is my first time seeing Wang Yi Fei. I read that she is under Jiaxing Media. How do they ashes of love novel all these pretty girls. And my last mention goes to our Moon Immortal, the forever loyal uncle. I liked him in the book, but in the drama he was just so funny and a great addition. ashes of love novel He was played by Xia Zhi Yuan, another rookie actor. JinMi and Xu Feng were a dysfunctional couple but they truly loved each other. I am glad that they were able to move past their scars to carve out a little bit of happiness for themselves. And I liked that all three main leads dubbed their characters. For those of you that read the book, did you like the changes or not. I am also curious if everyone ended up liking the cast. I know at first some fans were dissatisfied with casting choices, but I think everyone ended up doing a great job with their character. I have not yet finished watching this but, I hope she ends up with Runyu!. I do not know why but, I just ship them. He has only ever showed his true form to her and was willing to do anything for her. He deserves at least one happy thing in his life, especially since he was already promised Jinmi. Like I love how the cast do well in portraying their roles. I love how she play ignorant at the start and emotional near the end. He showed how to act as an innocent man hiding a lot of dark secrets. I felt confuse before, after reading the book as it showed fast forward when it comes to the ending chapters but after watching the drama, the changes made it more understandable and the characters development especially the plot after the death of Fire Diety. The drama team supplied justifiable sequence on the event on the book and it made easier to the audience to understand the flow of the story even after the final battle of the Fire and Night Dieties. All in all I can say that I loved the book before and the drama made me love the book more. I mean, everyone did great with their roles. I was actually blown away. I also really like Night but the lesser evil one. I absolutely love their onscreen chemistry and even their offscreen friendship too. I lowkey, highkey wish they would date in real life. So I believe that was what reincarnated so she kept her memories and she also is still color blind. I think she just kept her memories and reincarnated in the human world. I would imagine her spirit gave out a particular signal, remember in the early episodes when she goes missing he finds her in the human world. Liked by She is reborn as a human. The drama gave a reason as to how he found Jin Mi as Great Buddha told Phoenix that they will meet again from the place they first fell in love, the novel tho did not mention any of this only the meeting after 5 thousand years, btw Jin Mi will live long as Phoenix gave her 6 thousand years of divine essence. Liked by I was very skeptic about main cast but they did well especially Yang Zi. I also like Moon God the most. If not the changes drama could be amazing.