11.5.2012 11:46 + 49,611,55 Federal Criminal Police Offices Wiesbaden Mär 13,2012 9:50 Gsta Ffm -zit pouring 06419343659 sides 2 general district attorney's offices Frankfurt / Main: central office to the fight of the Internetkriminal tät (21T) -, outside place pouring. Investigative procedure against unknown because of dea of suspicion of the computer sabotage among other things very gcehrte ladies and gentlemen, in accordance with I obligate you to the extradition of following objects: Data carrier (hard disks) with all data to dern/the server/n with that the data carriers konmen as an evidence fur the investigation in consideration you the data carriers have come at that this requesting uberbringenden and/or IP Adress 178,18,246,109 the data carriers as an evidence for the investigation into question § 94 StPO). They have the data carriers at that this requesting of delivering and/or übennittelnden Krimi nalbeamten of the BKA to 'delivered and/or to transmit and/or were similar the reflection of the data carriers 1-Backup) through official of the BKA or the LMderpolizei to enlab'. The Durchfüh ning is regulated through police arrangement. The fulfillment -the o. g. publication desire serves the prevention of search measures and/or se! izure measures. He, who has an object coming as evidence in consideration in its safe-keeping, is obligated to produce and to deliver it on requiring (§ 95 paragraphs 1 SiP0). Only highly as a precaution manner I thereupon that witnesses legally obligated are, on La hired to appear before the district attorney's office and to state to the thing (§ 161a paragraph 1 StPO) If did not bathe obligations can be put through and are with zwangsmittel by a corresponding court decision dependent. For the case of the denial of the publication the evidence I threaten as a precaution already now the inflictions cines compulsion moneys in the amount of 1,000 Euro. Of the notification of your clientele over the existing desire or generally over the existence of an investigative procedure is to be seen because this a criminal relevant Vcrhatten (z. B. Strafvereitelung, preference or aid to a criminal offense) represent can. Same glit for a delayed preparation this publication desire. It is referred on that that the danger of the data loss exists. As far as such an as a result of liable delayed settlements dises requesting enters, and this to the Vereitelung of further ascertainments and/or to the prevention of the täterermittlung leads, can this for the responsible criminal Konseqenzen of the above-mentioned type after itself see. For Thre expenses, ! you become in accordance with