Wounds are relative to maturity. Children & adults have difference in response to a wound. A mature person doesn't use their wounds as an attention magnet, but they're able to use it to speak positively because they've learnt about their wounds. The opportunity we have to share about our wounds is not out of grief it's to input experiences into someone's life, use the experience to be a blessing to someone else by saying "I know what I went through this problem, I went through that situation but it made me bigger, better, stronger, you see what you're going through in your relationship, marriage, with your health I've been there & I know the pain, I've shed tears but you know what I'm here today & I made it, most importantly I don't think I would have made it without God & I tried to make it & I almost became a failure without God, you see this wound, you see this scare, this is what God has brought me through" Use the experience to be a blessing to somebody.... There should be nobody carrying bleeding from one year to the next. Some who have been in a motor car accident they shy away from their wounds because they have not overcome the place of their wound, I'm not talking about on their body where the wound is a scare/operation, I'm talking about the place something took place, they don't want to be in that place anymore because of the fear of begin wounded again. Some don't want to drive again for a while. Some are afraid to get involved in a relationship or love again because they're heart broken & have trust issues. We cannot stop the bleeding until we overcome the area, the place of our wounding, don't run away. Even with church politics people want to stay away, they got hurt, disturbed, offended, these things happen don't be a sissy, dust it off & move on with life....