About I decided to resume something I used to do on the previous version of BitBin, before you had to register for monetizing the pastes. Back then I would review and link-to interesting pastes if I though them worthy of my (and your) time. Pastes that have good and useful information contained in them, whether they would be instructions or good quotes, etc. Back then I had the reviews in order of me finding them. I think I will switch the format up a little. Instead of having all the reviews in one single paste, I will be doing a review session every weekend that I have time to do so, but I will organize the pastes by month and day based on their posting date. You can go to my master index here http://bitbin.it/S4WFaJLS/ and get to all my work! Now, without further ado, all the interesting pastes I have looked at for: 20160722 (22 Jul 2016) 20160722.xxxx LINK DESCRIPTION 20160722.2217 http://bitbin.it/cxTRcbyg/ BitBin Throwback Session Log - 20160721 20160722.1723 http://bitbin.it/0DKEUVb7/ Save the Giant Pandas from extinction 20160722.1715 http://bitbin.it/IMgw10Wl/ astrology 20160722.1552 http://bitbin.it/wAjO0E9S/ knowledge of marketing 20160722.1537 http://bitbin.it/8CkZr9l1/ Drink more 20160722.1138 http://bitbin.it/DfaKcteA/ Pregnant Nigerian woman gives birth to baby boy on German naval ship during rescue in the Mediteranean Sea 20160722.0506 http://bitbin.it/1VqdN74e/ Famous paintings in ASCII ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://bitbin.it/H7ReTRSZ/ <<<--- 20160721 <<<===>>> 20160723 --->>> http://bitbin.it/Ca3eiCCI/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------