1. Search on google (Starbucks customer service 2. Click on contact us and in our stores 3. Fill out the form topic is (beverage I ordered at a store) 4. For reasoning (complain about a drink u ordered at the store and they messed up or took to long etc... anything works) 5. Put any Starbucks location u know of, or search for one 6. And for email use a Starbucks account email if u don’t have one make one - if u don’t have one they will end up mailing ur gift card instead of instant applying to ur account 7. Make up a time and date etc.. 8. Once ur done within 24 hours you will get an email with either a $5-$10 gift card being applied to ur Starbucks account or being mailed to u. 9. Can do this unlimited times just use different name and emails (Confirmed Working)