How to perform negative training We have already published several articles about eccentric training and its importance in increasing strength and muscle mass. It can even be said that eccentric training is the most important stimulus for muscle hypertrophy to occur. But in reality, few people know how to apply this training method, and that's what we intend to explain in this article. What is negative training? Negative training, also known as eccentric training or negative sets, is one of the most effective training techniques for promoting increased strength and muscle mass. But this technique requires a training partner to help you bring the weight to the starting position. Then the weight will go down by itself, without help, very slowly and controlled and slowly. For example, if you are going to perform an eccentric bench press, you should start with the weight in the highest position (the weight would be higher than what you can lift, even just once) lower that heavy weight under control to the highest position. exercise and then lift the weight to the starting position especially with the help of a training partner. How to perform negative training The right form and proper load to perform negative reps is not always well known. Each repetition with an emphasis on the negative should take a little longer than the negative phase of a normal repetition. Depending on the range of motion of the exercise, this could take something like 3 to 6 seconds. The initial load used for eccentric training should be approximately 105% of your 1RM for that exercise. As an example, if you can lift 100 kg in the exercise just 1 time, use 105 kg for the negative reps. How to perform negative training When performing eccentric training, you will have to concentrate more on the weight loss phase. You can increase this load if you are able to do more than 6 reps at that weight (6 reps is the maximum number you should do in negative training - if you can do more reps then you are not using enough weight for this method is fully sufficient. The real key to effective negative training is how you drop the weight. Don't just drop the weight the way you would a regular rep. You have to actively and consciously fight gravity by pushing (or pulling, depending on the exercise) as hard as you can against the weight. If you don't fight the weight, your results won't be great. If you've done eccentric training in the past and didn't feel extremely sore the next day, then you probably weren't fighting the weight. Try this tip and feel the difference. Note: It is possible to perform eccentric training on some exercises even without a training partner, especially on exercises performed on machines where it is possible to lift a weight with both arms or legs and lower the weight with just 1. Examples of some exercises in which eccentric training can be performed without a training partner are: leg press, leg extension, flexor table, machine bench press, machine calf raises, etc. In conclusion, it failed to mention that this is a very high intensity training method that should only be performed sporadically and that it will be better applied to muscle groups that have more difficulties in developing. Never perform more than 3 eccentric sets per workout.