The first one; A married man, hubby's childhood friend that lives alone but his family comes to visit during holidays, his wife is a pretty very slim woman even with kids. Her husband cheats on her like mad, brings ugly girls to the same house when his wife is not around. Very disgusting behaviour I tell you, like how do you disrespect your wife so much? You can't even take dem bitches to a hotel? I feel so sorry for the nice woman. The main side chic even brings her friends to the house whenever the man travels. Seems she has her own key. You should see this guy when his family is around, very doting, he cooks and all. The way the wife brags about her hubby makes me want to throw up in my mouth, especially the part where she swears he's a saint. Since my dh has warned me to mind my business and never tell her, I just curl my toes and cry when she starts bragging. She will always blame the tears on pregnancy hormones and will always give me this really nice massage that makes me even cry the more. The second one; A matured single lady that should be in her mid to late thirties with a married sugar daddy that beats the shit out of her, the first time I heard the beating was around midnight, at first I thought it was robbers till I heard her insulting the man, the beating was so bad I cried for her. Funny enough non of the neighbors tried to rescue her, dh said it's a normal occurrence she has warned everybody to mind their business and she's so rude. When I tried to talk to her, she told me I should focus on my big belle and leave her alone. Some weeks after that he started beating her again, thank goodness hubby was out of town so I had the chance to go outside and bang on her door, I was screaming, shouting and crying calling on neighbors to come and save the woman's life. The man was so embarrassed he drove off immediately. This happened on a Friday on Sunday he still came to carry her to church. I saw them and bursted cry again. She has been avoiding me since then. The third one; the way this man maltreats his house help is just sad. He beats her with everything, broom, pot, belt, shoe. And he insults her family so bad while at it. If you see the different marks on her body, I don't know why but he's always accusing the security man of sleeping with her. Vey dramatic man but he worships his wife. This is all new to me I've not always being a very emotional Person. This pregnancy is just bringing out all sorts in me. Hubby stopped me from working through out my pregnancy (said I cannot be stressing myself and his twin babies unnecessarily) so I notice everything happening in the compound. Some days it's fun, other days I just want to go back to my father's house. Excuse my rant, It's a new town, new life, new feelings, new experience, new culture for me so there's only much I can do