____ _ _ / __ \ | | (_) | | | |_ __ ___ _ __ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ | | | | '_ \ / _ \ '__/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ | |__| | |_) | __/ | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | | \____/| .__/ \___|_| \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_| | | |_| _____ _ _ | __ \ | | (_) | |__) |___ | |__ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ _ | _ // _ \| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` | | | |/ _` | | | \ \ (_) | | | | | | | | (_| | |_| | (_| | |_| \_\___/|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |\__, |\__,_| __/ | __/ | |___/ |___/ An Important Message From Anonymous: It is vital the information we are going to share with you is made viral as quickly as possible. The ethnic Rohingya people of Myanmar (Burma) in Southeast Asia are being massacred. These barbarous acts are being carried out by Neo-Nazi racist groups like the RNDP (Rakhine Nationalities Development Party), ALA (Arakan Liberation Army), NaSaKa border police and 969 monks led by Monk Wirathu, the self proclaimed Bin Laden of Buddhism. The Government of Myanmar is at best ignoring the slaughter of these people, just like the rest of the international community, and at worst is participating in the crimes. The persecution of the Rohingya people is severe. The Burmese junta considers them to be sub-human and denies them almost all basic human rights. Often they are subject to torture, gang rape, starvation, slave labor, and forced to reside in the most dire camps in the world - some call these refugee camps but they are concentration camps. Over the past few months, thousands of Rohingya have been encouraged onto boats and sent out to sea with not enough food or fuel, and left there to die. Some of the boats were attacked and sunk, with women and children on board. While the United States claims to defend human rights, their record clearly reflects a government that will only intercede when their business interests are threatened. While politicians occasionaly pay lip service to the horrific conditions in Myanmar no action is ever taken. The only people neglecting the situation in Myanmar worse than the U.S. are the press who consistently ignored these atrocities or reported them as 'ethnic clashes'. Since they have failed to document these crimes in any way, we consider the media to be complicit in concealing them from the rest of the world. The acts of genocide being committed against the Rohingya people must no longer be ignored. We call on Anonymous and all supporters of human rights to stand against this great injustice and lend the Rohingya people a voice, before they are completely eliminated. The Rohingya are now anticipating a third massacre, in which Rakhine have declared they will leave no Rohingya left on the land, just a few left as exhibits for the museum. Please join us urgently to help prevent this massacre from occuring, through the following actions: 1) Sign the following petitions: http://endgenocide.org/actions/protect-the-rohingya/ http://www.avaaz.org/en/justice_for_rohingya_muslims/ http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/36335 http://www.activism.com/en_CA/petition/petition-to-the-canadian-government-on-behalf-of-the-rohingya-muslims-of-burma/42370 http://www.petitions24.net/tous_contre_le_massacre_de_rohingyas_en_birmanie 2) Call, fax, email (FLOOD, SPAM, ANNOY) demanding that URGENT action be IMMEDIATELY taken to save the Rohingya. Office of the Spokesperson for the Secretary General Tel. 212-963-7162 Fax. 212-963-7055 http://www.un.org/en/contactus/ Embassy of the Republic of Myanmar 202 332-3344 202 332-4350 202 332-4352 Fax: 202 332-4351 info@mewashingtondc.com U.S. Department of State 202-647-4000 202-647-6575 http://contact-us.state.gov/app/ask/session/L3RpbWUvMTM2NDAwNDU2OC9zaWQvX2U0VGZSbGw%3D Departments of MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar ASEAN Affairs Department Director General: U Aung Lin Deputy Director General: Daw Aye Aye Mu Political and Security Division: 95-67-412 360 Economic and Functional Cooperation Division: 95-67-412-357 Coordination Division: 95-67-412 345 The World Bank 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433 USA tel: (202) 473-1000 fax: (202) 477-6391 3) In the coming days we will be releasing a twitter storm package for #OpRohingya. Stay tuned. In the meantime, follow on twitter @OpRohingya, @JamilaHanan, @Aungaungsittwe and @GeorgieBC for Rohingya updates. We Are Anonymous. We Are Everywhere. We Are the voice of Voiceless. We Are Legion. Tyrants of the World, Expect Us! #OpRohingya Engaged.